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13 Everyday Inventions That Are Really Weird To Think About

Once upon a time, even the most normal things were really weird concepts. Sort of like the all-new 2016 Scion iA and iM, loaded with features at a standard price. Seems...weird.

1. The Spoon

2. The Spray Bottle

3. The Jigsaw Puzzle

4. The Birdhouse

5. Cheese

6. Body Wash

7. The Zipper

8. Pants

9. Wind Chimes

10. Potpourri

11. The Garden Hose

12. Underwear

13. The Potluck

Great options come standard. Some people call it weird. We call it innovative.

The all-new 2016 Scion iM and iA come standard with a powerful suite of options.