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How Much Energy Are You Actually Saving Compared To Everyone Else?

You're pretty energy-conscious...right? Find out what you could be missing by answering some poll questions below.

Did you know that LEDs use 75% to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent lighting? You can even set the mood with colour-changing LEDs!

Forget something? In the year of our lord 2018, smart lighting is inexpensive and easy to come by, so you can control your lights from anywhere on your smartphone. No more realizing you forgot to turn the lights off when you're halfway to work!

Don't just turn up the heat or "deal" with drafts by layering up! You can insulate your windows and door frames with weather stripping and caulk to prevent drafts and low temperatures that spike your thermostat.

Blackout curtains aren't just better for your sleep schedule: They're also usually thermal-insulated, so they keep heat in during colder months and out during warmer ones! They're also pretty affordable for the energy savings and are especially handy in the winter: Open your curtains during the day to let light/warmth in and close them at night to keep it there.

Think of electricity as the "surge pricing" OG: Time-of-use basically means that if you're firing up your computer, dishwasher, or other appliances during peak use times, you're paying for the extra demand. Check out Ontario's time-of-use schedules and start saving in off-peak hours.

Allow us to "vent" for a sec: When ventilation filters get clogged with dust and fur, your heating and cooling systems actually use more energy and can break down. Clean or vacuum your exhaust fans at least twice a year or make sure your building is replacing them regularly.

Standby power isn't just a minor energy suck: Your microwave literally uses more energy to power its clock than to heat your food. Save up to 10% on energy costs by plugging appliances and electronics into auto-off power strips.

Ceiling fans are waaaay more energy-efficient than AC units, especially for small rooms that cool down quickly. Make the investment in the summer, and you can reap extra energy savings come winter — most ceiling fans come with a “reverse” option that pushes hot air down into the room!

How'd you do? Get better at saving energy — and money — with Save on Energy.

Additional images by Getty.