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    A Poem For George Floyd And All The Other Peoples Who's Lives Were Cut Short

    This Poem is for all of the people who lost their lives unfairly, or lost loved ones; remember we will never forget you.

    Give Me My Freedom

    Give Me My Freedom

    Blood Stains the streets

    Another Life is lost

    Mothers are crying while watching their kids dying

    People seeking revenge for this hatred needs to be put to an end

    Give Me My Freedom

    Tell me what crime have I committed

    Is my crime being black

    Does my life not matter

    Do I not bleed red just like you

    Give me my freedom

    Did you hear my screams

    Did you care when you killed me

    Do you feel regret for I have no life left

    Does your heartache when you hear my name

    Is killing black people too you just a game

    Can I take a jog in peace

    Or do I have to pay the price for that too

    When you slam me on the ground do you have a reason

    Am I a threat, or was I just a black person in the way

    When I said stop did you hear me because

    "I Can't Breathe"

    Was my message and you ignored

    But Now

    We can breathe

    Our silence is over, our voices will be heard

    Were ready to move mountains, our words aren't slurred

    Before I couldn't breath and that ended in death

    But now we can stand, stand for our freedom back

    Hate me or not

    I'm Awesome and Black

    Black, Mixed, or White

    We're ready and we don't slack

    So Watch out were coming

    To Get Our Freedom Back

    ~ Anonymous

    We Will Never Forget