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    25 Funny And Wholesome Memes To Look At If You're Having A Garbage Day

    Because sometimes, you need a warm fire to brighten the trash can of your life.

    1. First up: Who's a cutie? You're a cutie!

    2. Here's an accurate representation of me going — "OI-WHATSINYOURMOUTH-NONONONO".

    3. That feeling when it goes, *tickle tickle*.

    4. Or girlfriend or partner or partners*.

    5. The real struggle of boiling milk or making chai.

    6. The song, the kitty dance, the ✨immaculate vibes ✨

    7. My middle name is "Pastaprimaverideliciousa".

    8. a love story.

    9. How old were you when this happened?

    10. Feeling 🥰 special 🥰

    11. *The "Aaj Ki Raat" music intensifies*

    12. Sometimes siblings do be like this.

    13. This is your sign to go drink some water.

    14. It's me! I am gang!

    15. Here's a tablespoon of copium for your doomscrolling.

    16. Kajal = Hot. PERIODT.

    17. Making fun of my sibling is my god-given right!

    18. When you're tiny mad not MAD mad.

    19. Kim was truly ✨ living the dream ✨

    21. Mandatory dad joke.

    22. ☠️ R.I.P. ☠️

    23. The gate is open AF!

    24. Yes, everyone should live. I mean...

    25. And lastly, a little affirmation just for you 🥰