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"Friends" Featured Quite A Few Serious Topics — Which Do You Think They Handled Well?

The moments where it really wasn't their day, week, month, or their year, but they still made it work!

Listen, Friends is a classic throwback for a reason. It gave us memorable quotes, lovable characters, and a complete time capsule of the '90s.

Though, even the biggest fans, myself included, can admit to some creative liberties that have not stood the test of time.

But even still, the series ran for 10 seasons, which included the characters tackling serious issues. Some of which were handled well and very realistically.

Like when Rachel fell out of love with Barry, causing her to walk out on her wedding and start a life of new and unexpected independence.

Or the time when Ross was dating a student and everyone instantly disapproved and convinced them to break up immediately.

And when things reached the grey zone about Ross and Rachel's breakup, with the question of infidelity being brought to attention.

Whatever it might be, we're curious to know your thoughts. Share a moment when you thought Friends handled a serious issue realistically and well, and why you think so, in the comments below.

The best submissions will be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.