We Had To Take Care Of Furbys For A Week And They Kind Of Drove Us Nuts

    Why was it ever a thing?

    Remember Furbys? They were these cute little interactive robotic toys that were super popular between 1998 and 2001.

    Watch people take care of Furbys for a week!

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    BuzzFeedVideo / Via youtube.com

    This is Megan, Curly, and Selorm, and they thought it would be pretty cool to take care of one of these cute little guys for a week.

    They were super impressed with the packaging of their Furbys. So legit.

    Once she added the batteries, Selorm's Furby immediately started to get on her nerves. LOL!

    Much to her disappointment, Megan discovered her Furby was broken, but was under the impression she would be getting a new one.

    On day one, Selorm was trying to get used to her Furby, but it would not STFU.

    Meanwhile, Curly's dog was uber-curious about the new robotic creature in their house.

    The Furbys nonstop talking was getting on Curly's nerves, too.

    Selorm got increasingly frustrated with her Furby since she had to take it work.

    They decided to show Megan what could have been, and Megan quickly realized she had dodged a bullet.

    Curly took his Furby to the gym and it went off on him for 45 minutes straight.

    Selorm's dog wasn't being too friendly to her Furby, either. It was official: dogs are not fans.

    Once their experiment was over, Selorm said she learned a lot.

    Curly was a little more sentimental: "Super annoying, but I do love him."