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7 Astonishing Facts About The NHS That'll Make You Weep With Pride

It's truly an amazing organization.

1. NHS staff on the whole are in contact with more than 1.5 million patients and their families every single day.

2. The NHS employs roughly 1 in 20 people in the UK’s working population

3. And the NHS made the UK one of the first countries to have a national health system.

4. The NHS invests £4,677 a second looking after people.

5. The NHS employs a diverse range of people, including many amazing women.

6. Millions of volunteers help the NHS deliver great service to all

7. Lastly, thanks to the NHS, the UK has some of the best healthcare in the world.

As a longtime partner of the NHS, Sanofi works to transform scientific innovation into medicines and vaccines to support people all over the UK on their health journey. We stand by the few who suffer from rare diseases and the millions with long-term conditions and want to empower people to live their life to its full potential. Find out more about how we Empower Life.

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