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    25 Questions I Have For American "Protestors" Of The Stay-At-Home Orders

    I have a lot of thoughts and opinions about these protests, but I find that asking questions gets to the bottom of things, so I am listing those questions (sans pictures), below:

    1. What is the goal of your protests?

    2. If you want to return to work, why?

    Is it a money thing? Are you just bored in the house? Miss your co-workers and customers?

    3. If you want to return to work, can you not apply to one of the many, many new roles that have opened up (frontline workers)?

    Do you not want these roles because they are beneath you? Because they aren't in your field of choice? Because they don't meet your financial needs?

    4. If this is about being able to pay your bills, which bills? Your essentials like rent/mortgage? Food? Water? Are we talking non-essentials like hobbies (fishing, golfing, hunting, peloton classes, etc) and cosmetics?

    As you all seem pretty willing to die (and kill your loved ones and neighbors) for haircuts, I'm curious if these financial concerns are about essentials or not.

    Essentials: Food, water, shelter, clothing/PPE, medical and mental health.

    5. If this is about the major essentials, why not just protest not having protections in place for people who can't make those bills?

    These "protests" could just as easily be trying to make our representatives protect us from the fall-out of the epidemic, right? Plenty of people would join protests that are protecting people from eviction and home seizures, no?

    That's a cause we could all largely get behind. And a much more rational one.

    6. What are the guns and other weapons for?

    Do you fear for you life at these protests that you are creating for reasons that are not clear to the rest of us? Do you believe the police officers that are largely protecting you are a threat? Do you fear that the rest of us that are trying to maintain social distancing are the threat? Do you think we'd leave our homes to come and violently assault you instead of just letting the virus you are all passing amongst each other kill you?

    7. If not feeling in danger, are the weapons a message?

    I can't think of any other reason to carry around death machines unless it's to protect yourself, hunt for food, or strike fear in others.

    8. What is that message?

    What's that message? That the authorities should consider you a potential threat? That we, the American people, should? That we should fear you? Are you attempting to strike terror in us? For political purposes? I feel like there's a word for people who do that.

    9. Do you truly believe the virus is not real or not a real danger?

    If so, why are so many of you in masks? Do you just truly think this is a hoax? Do you think the virus is real but only targeting everyone else but you and yours? Do you not care about your life? Do you want to die drowning in your own body while your loved ones watch from an iPad? Do you want to watch THEM die from an iPad (Team Android!)?

    This is the most confusing part for me. These orders are in place to protect you, your friends, your family, and your community at large. Hell, even your cats. Why are you protesting that?

    10. If you don't believe it's a problem, why can you not just privately ignore medical advice? Why involve all of us?

    A lot of your barbers should be open to making house calls if they're open to standing in large crowds.

    You're forcing public officers and so many others to risk their lives over these "protests". Why? I thought y'all like police officers.

    11. 10. I thought y'all liked government when wielded against the people, or is that only when it's against the "others"?

    Aren't you all the same as the All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter crowd? Do those lives still matter because these protests imply otherwise? They imply that the economy matters and blue lives can suck it.

    Normally these groups are all about the over-policing of certain communities and protests.

    Meanwhile, you all are not for it these days and all of these antics are putting these public officers in direct contact with very large crowds (and their lives at risk).

    12. Seriously though, don't you all love law and order?

    Are you not the same crowd who is typically upset at Black Lives Matter protests? Are you not the same group of people who very much defend the repeated shootings of American citizens because they did not listen to the law? To orders by those in power?

    Do you not see the irony or were you never part of that crowd? If you always understood how "following the officer's orders" is a complex situation, why were you not there next to folks during those Black Lives Matter protests? Did you protest the slaying of any black people? Hell, Dylan Noble, at least?

    13. Do you think something has changed since March or do you think we should never have shut things down?

    Do you know of something that has changed to make the Coronavirus less of a danger? Or is that you never thought it was a danger to begin with?

    14. Do you really value your ability to work over your life? The lives of those around you?

    Do you care so little about yourself or those around you that you value a haircut or a football game over their lives?

    Are you okay with your need to get away from your kids during the day being the reason that one of them potentially dies? Alone. Via Tablet.

    15. Or do you think that you and yours will not be affected?

    Do you all have special blood that makes you immune? If so, please share with the class.

    16. Is this because you hate your families or can't be alone with yourselves?

    I've heard so, so many people complain about having to be at home with their families 24/7. Makes sense for youths. Those with dysfunctional, toxic, or abusive families also have reasons for their complaints.

    Why are so many people in loving families struggling to be at home with those families? Or even those with struggling to be with themselves.

    The entertainment possibilities are endless. Hell, the napping possibilities are endless.

    17. Aren't you also the same crew that regularly talks about isolating to the woods or going off the grid?

    Why are so many of you struggling with this when so many of you have undoubtedly talked about your dream retiring to the woods somewhere or moaned about having to be in society. Don't many of you look up to Clint Eastwood in Gran Turino?

    Why is it so hard to stay home and limit contact?

    18. Aren't you just generally grumps about society at large?

    Don't a lot of you whine about youths? and immigrants? and liberals? and technology? and this and that?

    If you want to live in the woods or off the grid, why don't you? If you don't want society telling you what to do, go away from society. Which is basically what everyone is being asked to do anyways.

    19. Do you feel weak for being unable to sit in the house for a few months in 2020?

    People have been held captive in war. They are going to school every day in war zones, knowing they may be bombed that day. They are sitting in solitary confinement over crimes they never committed. They are being tortured by governments based on shotty and racist information. They are watching their loved ones die or suffer from incurable diseases. They themselves are suffering with physical or emotional torture in countless ways throughout the known world. There are parents watching kids wilt away from hunger because they can't feed them. There are children being raped, being starved, being abused, and being just generally tortured all over the world.

    You're being asked to stay in your house to save the lives of your fellow Americans in the year 2020 where the entirety of human knowledge is literally at most of your fingertips. And you're struggling. To stay in your mostly plush and comfortable homes (comparatively speaking, please save your claims of poverty) so that the people risking their lives, because they have no choice, can be as safe as possible when risking those lives.

    And it's so hard for you that you've organized with other people to go out and get infected together instead of just sit in front of the TV for a while. Do you think you'd be able to survive in a situation where you had to make real sacrifices?

    20. Does this feel like a tantrum to you?

    You have to be aware of how this feels like a tantrum to the rest of us.

    21. This isn't about having to stay at home, is it?

    This just doesn't add up, any which way you look at it. So what is this about? Why are you in the streets in large numbers during a pandemic (which history has already proven is a silly idea)? Is this a politically motivated protest? Why not just say so?

    22. Do you really think the people who have ordered states to lockdown for protection of the community are ordering it spitefully?

    What do you think is happening here? Do you think these people who very largely rely on successful local working economies are choosing to close down these economies for funsies? Do you think they just don't like you and your boys drinking beer together?

    Why are you making their lives miserable over this?

    23. If it's not about having to stay home because it's harrrrrd, a tantrum over being told "no", or about the government intentionally messing with you for no reason, what is this about?

    Can you let the rest of us know? Since you know very well that these actions will just lengthen the pandemic, please let us know why you're doing this to us.

    24. Have you asked yourself already if you are prepared to watch those you love die because of your actions?

    It feels like you should be asking yourself this every day you leave the house for this protest.

    25. Seriously, what is the reasoning here?

    I'm finding it so hard to believe that you all don't believe in this virus so why would you risk being in a crowd like that? Why would you risk your actual lives here?

    What in your day-to-day lives are you missing out on that you would risk a painful death for you or those around you t go outside and yell about how you want to be able to go outside?