This Girl Spent Over Four Months Secretly Tweeting SpongeBob's "F.U.N." Lyrics

    Talk about playing the long game.

    If you're a SpongeBob fan, you're probably pretty familiar with "The F.U.N. Song," which crazy enough is almost 20 years old. Apologies in advance, because the song is going to be stuck in your head for the rest of the day now.

    For a refresher, here's how the song goes. It's a "duet" between SpongeBob and Plankton, as the titular character teaches the latter what friendship is really about.

    View this video on YouTube

    I, like many people, am familiar enough with the song. So when I saw the following tweet (which is the prelude to the song where SpongeBob has trouble defining what "fun" is) I was SHOOK.

    Fun is when you... fun is... it's like... it's kind of... sort of like a... What is fun? I... let me spell it for you! ***GO READ THE FIRST WORD OF MY TWEETS***

    As promised, when you go to Twitter user @madicakesss_'s (20-year-old Madi Bumbarger from Pennsylvania) timeline, if you read the first word of every tweet (in backwards chronological order) you get "The F.U.N. Song."

    Like, every last word of the song, without missing a beat. Including all of Plankton's lyrics.

    And I'm dying, because she integrated seemingly normal tweets — like visiting a relative in the hospital — into the ENTIRE song.

    In fact, she was so dedicated that the lyrics started all the way back in APRIL. Like, every tweet for the past four months has been crafted perfectly to include SpongeBob lyrics.

    Overall, people are pretty damn impressed with Madi's efforts — the final tweet in the series (which sort of kicks it off) has almost 70,000 favorites.

    @madicakesss_ this is the kind of energy I need in my life. If you need a new friend lmk

    And people are not only admiring her dedication...

    @madicakesss_ The lengths and the patience you had to go to for this, you are my new friend CLAIMED

    ...but are also shook at how it is bringing up so many childhood memories.

    @madicakesss_ i like you. i am impressed. the only thing that confuses me is that i was forced to stop watching that show 10+ years ago. how do i still know the song? also did you intentionally start each tweet like that?

    All in all, Madi wrote almost 150 tweets. I was truly impressed with her dedication, so I had to ask her how she pulled it off.

    Buddy the elf is my role model

    Madi says she's a huge SpongeBob fan — she used to say DoodleBob was her cousin — and knew the song would be perfect when she wanted to pull off the tweet chain.

    No one except her boyfriend and best friend knew about the project, and she said no one caught her over the nearly five months she spent tweeting the lyrics.

    She said the hardest part of the experience was sometimes having to start a tweet with a certain word, or not being able to do retweets, only quote-retweets.

    Madi said she's going to "enjoy her freedom" with Twitter now, but feels like she hit the jackpot.

    "It’s literally like I went from being the Chum Bucket to the Krusty Krab," she said.

    Madi...congrats on playing the long game.


    Madi Bumbarger's name was misspelled in an earlier version of this post.