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Do You Have Any Questions For A NASA Scientist?

What do you want to know that is out of this world?

You know what is crazy? SPACE. Like, it's so big and unexplored and my head starts spinning just THINKING about it.

When it comes to space, I have so many questions, I don't even know where to start.

Like, for starters, what's the deal with aliens? Are we ever going to meet any?

Also, what's UP with gravity (LOL, sorry for the bad pun)? It's so random!

Also, does space smell at all?

I have a million questions. And I'm guessing you do too. Lucky for us, BuzzFeed has the chance to sit down with a REAL, live NASA scientist to get the tea on space.

So if you want to get the scoop on space, now is the chance to ask your questions! We want to know what YOU want to know about space. No question is too big or too small!

Leave your questions in the comments or box below, and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed post or video!