This Salad Britney Spears Just Posted To Instagram Is Really Something

    A modern culinary mystery.

    As most people know, Britney Spears' Instagram is a true work of performance art, whether she's posting bizarre vintage pictures...

    ...poorly Photoshopped memes she probably found on Facebook...

    ...or downright adorable selfies that are mom AF. If there's one thing we've learned in 2016, it's to expect the unexpected when it comes to Britney's account.

    But things took a big turn this weekend with a post that Miss Britney Jean uploaded to her account. Warning, the image you're about to see is GRAPHIC.

    OK, so it's just a picture of a salad. Or at least it's technically a salad, because most salads do NOT look like this.

    What we were witnessing was not just any normal kitchen creation — this looked like a first course from Chopped gone horribly wrong, if they taped Chopped in Hell.

    And for what it's worth, Britney rated it as "Simply the best ever!!!!!!!" (The seven exclamation points are her own.)

    And while everything from the mix of colors to the dishware was perplexing, what really was bizarre was the INGREDIENTS. Tomato and mozzarella* together isn't THAT bizarre, and the flower petals are actually a nice garnish, but then BLUEBERRIES and what looks like ONIONS?!? What was going on in Britney's kitchen???

    Like seriously, who puts BLUEBERRIES and then ONIONS in what's essentially a Caprese salad? BRITNEY JEAN SPEARS, THAT'S WHO.

    But taste is subjective. Maybe this salad is actually delicious! I mean, Britney said it was. It can't be *THAT* bad, right? RIGHT?!