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    The Ups & Downs Of Living Alone For The Time

    After graduating from college this past June, I made a huge lifestyle changed by not only moving to a big city for the first time but also by moving into a place where I would be living alone. I have been living in San Francisco for six months now and it has taught me a lot. I have friends and family in the city so I not isolated in any way but it is my first time living completely alone. And, let me tell you, after becoming accustomed to the stuffed-into-a-shoebox-apartment-with-fifty-roommates lifestyle that was college, this was a huge change. I was not only exploring a new place but also learning how to be comfortable with only myself for companionship.

    Fear and Pantlessness

    Getting Comfortable, Maybe Too Comfortable..

    Embracing This Opportunity

    To anyone living alone for the first time or moving to a new place where they might feel lonely, just know that it’s normal to need time to adjust. Don’t try to ignore any feelings of loneliness or stress, there’s always something you can do to feel at home. Join a book club or a running group, learn a new hobby, get some plant babies to take care, volunteer, or find a local facebook group for something you enjoy. If you’re feeling down, just know that there are other people like you out there and you’re going to get through it.