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    Nature Is Reclaiming Abandoned Places Around The World

    In recent years, most of the news about the environment has been utterly bleak. It's heartbreaking seeing the photos of the shrinking ice caps and dying coral reefs. And while we all need to do our part to take care of and restore the Earth, Mother Nature is a tougher b*tch than we give her credit for. When given the chance, she comes back fighting. The proof can be seen in areas that have been abandoned or evacuated. Below are the beautiful, yet eerie photos of what the world would look like if humans suddenly disappeared.

    Bonus pictures of what Chernobyl looks like 32 years after its nuclear meltdown.

    On April 26th, 1986 a routine technician test at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant went terribly wrong when the fourth reactor exploded. The explosion caused the building to burst into flame and release immense amounts of radiation that spread around the world. Over 160,000 people had to be evacuated from the area which in turn was closed off as an exclusion area. Since that day the power plant and the ghost towns surrounding it have remained virtually untouched.