Watch As Igor The Bulldog's Day Is Completely Turned Around

    Igor was nervous about spending his first night away from his family. But thanks to a little paint and decorations, watch as his kennel was transformed into a replica of his living room!

    Meet Igor, Norway's latest cutie.

    His family adores him, and he hasn't spent a night away from them.

    Until now - his family planned on taking an Easter vacation, which meant leaving poor Igor behind in a kennel.

    The plan: recreate his family's living room in his own personal space at the kennel so he feels right at home!

    With a little paint...

    ...and some speedy sofas, they were ready to bring him in.

    Not that he wanted to go right away, of course.

    TA DA!

    Even some of Igor's family was surprised!

    It was just like home, but better (and more bones)!

    His family was able to leave him knowing he felt right at home and would be quite comfortable.

    He couldn't wait to get settled!

    He was even able to have friends over...

    ...and they became BFFs!

    Well done, team!

    Igor: the happiest bulldog in all of Norway!

    Watch the adorable transformation tale here:

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