Kelly Osbourne Has Some Summer Style Advice For Your Pets

    Want to know what new summertime style your pet should try out? Kelly Osborne is here to solve your problems.

    Need summer style ideas for your dog buddies? Kelly Osborne recommends ditch clothing for something much more chic.

    Curious about how to apply these safe and fun styles to your pet's look? Kelly took a peek at some of your photos that you submitted on our Facebook and Twitter:

    1. "I don't want to take away from the fashions of these three Hawaiian pups, so you should stick with something simple like...

    2. "If he had a hairstyle, it would definitely be a mullet, so he could use...

    3. "He's already quite handsome with his bow tie in this Christmas-type scene, but...

    4. "Now I really see him as some sort of sexy pharaoh, and you could get really creative with it...

    5. "This cutie is all ready for Easter, it looks like! I would just...

    6. "I think they could a walking bundle of even more pride! All you'd have to do is...

    7. "Oh, now I think her name is Ethel. She looks very wise. She needs to be glamorous, so I would...

    "If I get a manicure to make myself feel better, then why wouldn’t I do that for the only thing in my life that doesn’t talk back to me and loves me unconditionally?"