Here's Your Recap Of Lil Bub's Online Birthday Party

    Featuring balloons, cake, presents, a dog, and Andrew W.K.

    Bub's dude had to prepare himself.

    Mr. Littlejeans had his treats ready!

    He got treats instead of Bub's birthday cake.

    This dog, Dagger C. Thunderfang, chilled the whole time.

    Even Pudge was there! Super ready to celebrate two whole years of Lil Bub.

    Everybody get pumped to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    What a hilarious and fun happenstance to be joined by Andrew W.K.!

    Cake, candles, singing. Y'know, normal birthday stuff.

    Can't forget everyone's favorite royal creature, Princess Monster Truck!

    Bub was so excited to start the festivities that she almost left her own party!

    Hamilton the Hipster Cat was, like, totally over the party scene. Super swag of him to show up.

    Bub got a snack (tuna!) before settling in to chat with her pals.

    You kind of have to shove treats/food into Princess Monster Truck's mouth. It's a very ladylike procedure.

    This is Smoosh. Smoosh and Bub are dating.

    While Bub chowed down, we learned that Mr. Littlejeans' favorite treat is fingers.

    Bub got scooped up before answering some questions from her adoring fans.

    What's that, Bub? Oh, you have an answer to a question.

    Ugh, what a cute couple.

    Colonel Meow pulled one of his classic pranks: hiding behind a card of his own likeness.

    Pudge's little birthday hat is too much to handle.

    Hamilton is very strong, but he doesn't need to, like, show it off or anything.

    Dagger's still chilling, don't worry.

    Can you believe Smoosh loves Bub more than he loves fish?! Ugh, the most adorable couple.

    Then they opened Smoosh's gifts: an AMAZING toy...

    ...and a really cute bag with a cat on it, but Bub only had eyes for the toy.


    Time for fun with Google Effects!

    Silly Bub, you're not a puppy. You're the most amazing cat on the planet!

    Good job, Bub! Good job, everyone! What an amazing party.

    You can watch the whole party here. Bub's dude, Mike, described it as "at times awkward, at times hilarious, and overall pretty fun."

    View this video on YouTube / Via Facebook: iamlilbub

    View this video on YouTube

    Don't forget to keep an eye out for Lil Bub's new show "Lil Bub's Big Show" on Revision3. Coming soon!