16 Questions I Need Mary-Kate And Ashley's "You're Invited" Series To Answer

    First question: Did my invite get lost in the mail?

    1. Who the heck decided that a "homework party" was FUN?!

    2. Why did Mary-Kate & Ashley's friend bring all those hats to a sleepover party?

    3. And why did their other friend bring a framed picture of a dog?

    4. WHY and HOW was this kid holding an 80-pound boombox to his ear?!

    5. Who was the genius behind the lyrics of this bop?

    6. Why did they make their friends clean their kitchen in the Christmas party video?

    7. Who paid for Mary-Kate, Ashley, and their friends to fly all the way to Minnesota for the mall party episode?

    8. WHERE were these girls' parents when they decided to just pick themselves up and go on a vacation to Hawaii?

    9. What were they trying to teach us with this series?

    10. Why were they dressed better/classier at 10 years old than I'll ever be in my lifetime?

    Just LOOK.

    11. Did anyone else find it really fucking weird that these professional ballerinas let young children do their makeup and massage them?

    12. Why was this drag of an episode even made?

    13. Why was this scene where they talk about their crushes so fucking cringeworthy?

    14. And what possessed them to keep making these You're Invited videos?

    15. I can't even bring myself to come up with a question for this. Just WOW. Oy vey, wow.

    16. And why was the You're Invited theme song just so fucking catchy?

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    Dualstar Video / Via youtube.com