We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    30 Problem-Solving Products That Are So Good, You’ll Be A Mastermind Simply For Owning Them

    "What if I told you I'm a mastermind and now you're mine" —Taylor Swift, but also you to these products.

    1. A handy dandy weeding tool so you can easily pluck up those unsightly plants without having to bend, pull, or kneel. 

    Gif showing how you press it into the ground where the weed is, then lean the handle at an angle (which pulls up the weed), until you pull the whole weed out

    Grampa's Weeder is a family-owned small biz that sells tools to make weeding easier!

    Promising review: "I saw this tool used on TikTok, so we decided to try it out. It works really well — it is not difficult to get to the root of the weed and is fairly simple to use, as well. We would recommend this tool to anyone who finds it difficult to do the crouching required to pull weeds." —Mary 

    Get it from Amazon for $44.99.

    2. And while we're on the topic of making garden work easier, a pair of claw gloves to make quick work of excavating leaves and weeds and digging holes. It's like a wearable rake!

    Model using gloves with claws to garden
    Model showing glove claws in garden

    Reviewers even mention these help prevent dirt from getting in their nails!

    Promising review: "I laughed when I first saw the picture of this item. I thought, well if they don’t work, I’ll use them for a costume. But they are amazing at pulling weeds. I use mine for those pesky weeds in the rocks. One pull and you get root and all." —cynthia Williams

    Get it from Amazon for $7.96+ (available in three colors and as a pack of two).

    3. Cleaning tablets that'll make you realize the important task of sanitizing your retainer, dentures, night guard, or any other dental appliances you may use can be fast and easy. Simply drop a tablet along with your dental appliance into warm water and let it soak! 

    before photo of a reviewer's dirty retainer
    the same reviewer's retainer looking clean and rid of yellow that was on it before after using the cleaner

    Promising review: "I really loved this product. I am currently waiting for a new Invisalign set. My old Invisalign needed to be cleaned. I read the reviews and decided to purchase. OMG, it worked! There was a fresh taste and they were clean. I wish I had found this product sooner. I did let them soak overnight only because I had been wearing them for the last four months. Nothing happened to Invisalign; there was no weakness or anything. Just very clean and fresh. If I could have given the product 10 stars, I would have." —Lisa R.

    Get 120 tablets from Amazon for $17.69.

    4. A shoe stretch spray because few things are worse than finding an adorable pair of footwear, excitedly opening the package, and then struggling to get the shoes on your feet because they're just a tad too tight. Those boots were made for walking, and that's just what you'll DO!

    BuzzFeed writer holding the spray bottle of shoe stretch
    reviewer showing a pair of knee-high boots that don't fit around their calves
    reviewer showing how the boots fit after using the shoe stretch spray
    Amanda Davis / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    My colleague Amanda Davis swears by this spray. Here's what she has to say about it:

    "So, I have about three pairs of shoes that have just been sitting in my closet because while they are sooo so cute, the leather was too tight for my foot to comfortably get inside 'em. Did I return them? Nope. (We all know the hassle of online returns, right?) Instead, I bought this shoe stretch spray on a whim. I didn't expect much, but WOW! The shoes that took me a minute of struggling to get into fit *perfectly* now!! 

    The process was as simple as could be, too. I just sprayed my shoes (inside and out, heel to toe) like there was no tomorrow, I put on some semi-thick socks (just to ensure I had ample room later), and wore the shoes around my house for about 30–40 minutes. As I was walking around, I could literally feel them begin to loosen up. 

    After about 30 minutes, I took my shoes and thick socks off, and the shoes just ~slide~ on. Easy Peasy. Now I have a new favorite pair of shoes, and zero dollars have been wasted. I tried these with a pair of chunky leather loafers, but I can only imagine what they'll do for my pair of Dr. Martens — the boots known to take a while to break into. This stuff is a must!" 

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    5. A clear gel for keeping valuable (and breakable items) set nice and sturdy where you want them. Playful pets who like to jump and knock things over, curious kiddo hands, and even natural phenomena like earthquakes are no match now for this powerful paste.

    Promising review: "Saw this on TikTok and I honestly absolutely love it. I use it to keep my drawer organizers from sliding around. This stuff is amazing and I wish I had known about it forever ago." —Abby

    Get it from Amazon for $11.46

    6. A set of sheet keepers to well...help keep sheet sets and sheets of the same sizes bundled up nicely together. Not to mention, thanks to the labels stating the sizes, you won't have to fumble around with three different sheets of the same color just to find which one goes on your bed versus your kiddo's bed. 

    stacks of sheets with yellow and off white bands wrapped around them to keep them orderly
    SheetKeeper / Etsy

    SheetKeeper is a woman-owned small business based in Los Angeles.

    Promising review: "Great product. They came quickly, and they work great! Such a great idea to keep sheets organized and together while being able to tell what size bedding it is. Will order again for sure!" —devonhansen1

    Get a set of two from SheetKeeper on Etsy for $10.99 (available in sizes twin–California king).

    7. A pair of fog-free onion goggles — a brilliant invention for anyone who turns into an endless stream of tears anytime they chop up the veg for salads or recipes. 

    reviewer wearing the goggles while chopping onions
    reviewer taking a selfie and showing the black and green onion goggles

    Promising review: "OK, maybe they're not the coolest-looking accessories in the world, but NONETHELESS (!) they are an absolute lifesaver if you suffer from painful eye stinging and tearing while slicing those alliums. I used to avoid recipes that called for any onion that wasn't a scallion because I hated preparing onions with all my might, but once these entered my life, I found myself chopping away with ease. The key is to make sure the goggles create a really tight seal around your eyes — I have a smaller head, so I sometimes have to really push them on to make sure they're airtight, but once I figured this out, it was a total game changer. Will you feel super silly while you have 'em on? Yes! Will you care after you see your finished pile of onions that were chopped without shedding a single tear? No! I highly recommend them to anyone who also suffers from onion tears!" —Britt Ross

    Get them from Amazon for $18.40+ (available in four colors). 

    8. A blackhead remover you simply glide over your face to help scrub away sebum, blackheads, whiteheads, and other skin impurities. The little octopus is so cute, you may wanna buy it for that reason alone.

    reviewer holding the blackhead removal tool
    reviewer showing blackhead remover tool after use

    Promising review: "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me and smells great, too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt was visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, and then used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    9. A press steam iron so you can say goodbye to fabric wrinkles in a flash — no board needed, no leakage left behind!

    close up of model using nori to iron a button down shirt

    Nori is a woman-owned small business based in Connecticut.

    Promising review: "I am not an iron girl, but this product sold me. It is so easy to use. The Nori is portable, so I take it with me everywhere. It has helped me to look sharp at weddings and weekends away. At home, I can refresh my dresses and shirts before starting work and going out. I would highly recommend this product to everyone who might be thinking of a change. No more heavy irons and dry-cleaning for me. Thank you, Nori!" —Elizabeth M 

    Get it from Amazon for $119 (available in four colors) or Nori for $120 (available in four colors).

    10. A garbage disposal foaming cleaner that'll tackle built-up grime and those nasty smells you gag at every time you're near your kitchen sink. It's truly so...disgusting.

    A gif of the foaming cleaner

    The biodegradable packet cleans/scrubs away at grime and odor that cause buildup and yucky smells on sidewalls, blades, under the splashguard, and other hidden areas. They come in pre-measured drop-in packets and are recommended to use about once a week!

    Promising review: "It seems counterintuitive to put a little packet down your garbage disposal to clean it, but this does actually seem to work, at least for getting out weird smells that baking soda and vinegar don't really touch. I scrub the sink down first, especially around the garbage disposal area, rinse it down, and then just follow the directions on the package. I have used it with single, large-size sinks and with double sinks — the only difference is that the double sink will have blue cleaning foam rise up the drain, which you rinse away when the disposal sounds clear again. I have tried the foaming cleaner in a can, but unfortunately, it stopped coming out of the can about 10% of the way through. Went back to this tried-and-true." —KS

    Get four packets from Amazon for $3.78.

    11. A nail clipper to make trimming your little bb's claws a more seamless experience for you both. It features non-slip handles so you can get a good grip on them, and they're ideal for use on small animal breeds. 

    It's recommended to apply baby oil to their nails before use!

    Promising review: "These were way better than expected. Most of my life, I have used human nail clippers for cats. I have tried nail scissors unsuccessfully. We also tried another brand of cat claw trimmers that were guillotine style but splintered their nails. These cut so smoothly, easily (without needing a lot of pressure), and so cleanly with no splintering at all. Just mad at myself I waited this long to get them. I truly didn’t expect such an affordable pair would perform this well." —interiorlulu

    Get them from Amazon for $6.99.

    12. And while we're on the topic of ~pets~, if you're a cat owner, you're gonna NEED this game-changing litter box that'll save you the headache that is scooping 💩. When your feline friend is done going to the restroom, the machine timer goes off and the litter begins to clump, then it rotates and separates the dirty clumps from the clean litter, and disposes of the dirty clumps in a carbon-filtered waste drawer underneath. You'll be notified via an app when the drawer is full and needs to be disposed of because, oh yeah, did we mention it's Wi-Fi-enabled, too?!

    A gift of a Litter Robot mid-cycle
    A cat sitting in a white Litter Robot
    Litter Robot, Litter Robot

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Jenae Sitzes owns this and loves it: 

    "I've been using the Litter Robot myself for over a year now, and I'm pretty sure both me and my two cats are way happier for it. After a cat is done using it, the Litter Robot waits a set amount of time until the cat's presence is no longer detected, then begins to rotate, collecting the waste into a bag at the bottom while retaining the clean litter in the barrel. I usually don't detect a smell from it afterward, though once the bag starts to get really full, you might get a subtle reminder that you need to take it out. My cats completely adjusted after a few weeks and accepted it as their way of life, making my life a heck of a lot easier while ensuring they always have a clean bed of litter. It's a pricey purchase, to be sure, but if cleaning out the litter box daily or even every other day is hard for you and you'd rather not think about it much at all, I say the Litter Robot is worth it." 

    Get it from Litter Robot for $549 (available in white or gray).

    13. A grocery cart bag set for separating your groceries how you see fit at the store (frozen, refrigerated, produce, heck, maybe even an entire bag devoted to ice cream). It'll make unpacking groceries when you get home a quick and simple task.  

    Reviewer image of four bags open across grocery cart
    Reviewer's bags filled with groceries in cart

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I've been looking for. It fits all the shopping carts, and you can detach them and take only one to tow all of the bags if you are shopping for smaller quantities. I've been using these for a few days now, and I love it. I used to have a bunch of different bags in my trunk, and it was very messy. With Lotus Bags, I can finally get rid of all the other bags and have these sitting nice and pretty in the trunk. The cooler bag is especially awesome to keep the items cool while shopping to transporting them home. The bags look very well made and sturdy." —Rossi

    Get them from Amazon for $44.99 (available in two color combinations).

    14. An upholstery protection spray because, let's be real — that new dining set you just got? Spills are bound to occur on it at some point (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). Get ahead of the game with this awesome product, which will allow the spill to sit on the surface long enough for you to wipe and clean it away before it has the chance to stain. 

    bottle of trinova sitting on a table
    Reviewer pouring water on their couch after applying the repellant spray and showing the water just slide off the fabric

    Promising review: "This product is phenomenal. I'm the type of person who wants to disprove claims that seem too good to be true, so I sprayed it on an older white shirt and then literally dumped a cup of coffee on it. It completely repelled the coffee. No stains, no lingering smell. Since I'm clumsy with liquids in hand and have pets who seem to prefer using my furniture as a bathroom, I've literally coated every piece of fabric in my house with this. It's definitely going to be a regular purchase for me." —Kelly

    Get it from Amazon for $19.62.

    15. A set of clothing storage bags featuring clear windows — every year without fail, you stow away all of your winter sweaters once spring hits, and then the universe laughs in your face and throws in a random freezing cold day. Now, you'll be able to find the exact sweater you want to wear without having to ruffle through every storage container you own.  

    Promising review: "Best TikTok find for storage. These are the best storage bags/containers I have bought. So much so that I reordered and got three more not too long ago. One of them holds all the items from my six-drawer dresser, which included everything from tank tops to heavy sweaters and crewnecks. I also use it to hold my seasonal shoes, extra blankets, and, yes, even more clothes! Since reordering, I now have six but I am only currently using four. They are machine washable and good to go in the dryer on low heat. Overall, it is worth the purchase!" —Harley

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $19.99 (available in five colors and larger sets).

    16. And a set of hanging vacuum storage bags because sometimes you have no choice but to keep bulky items like coats, dresses for special occasions, and suits hung up in your closet...BUT THEY TAKE UP SOOOO MUCH ROOM! With these, you get the best of both worlds — hanging them where you need them but taking up less space!

    Reviewer photo of their clothes inside the bags
    The same clothes with all the air sucked out of the bag taking up a tiny fraction of the space

    Protect your out-of-season clothes without having to pack them away in a faraway attic!

    Promising review: "I bought these storage bags two weeks ago to pack my winter clothes for summer, and they did the job perfectly. They are large and sturdy. I like its five-hook design. I can store five women's jackets or four big men's jackets in ONE bag. The long bags also fit my dresses. The biggest reason I bought these bags is that I do not need to fold my seasonal clothes; I just hang, zip, vacuum, and be done! Super convenient. Extremely happy with these space bags. I will definitely order more!" —Jia Yan

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $22.49.

    17. A Hydro Flask car cup holder adapter fellow Flask owners will want to add to their cart ASAP. That insulated bottle can do it all — it can keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold, but it can't fit into your car's cup holder!!! Well, thanks to this genius product, now it can. What a great way to ensure you have cold water or a caffeinated bev in easy reach!

    gif of a water bottle not fitting in the normal cup holder but then fitting perfectly in the adaptor that's in the cup holder above it
    Wine & Whiskey Co / Etsy

    Wine & Whiskey Co is based in Texas and sells phone cases, clothing, and car accessories.

    Promising review: "I had to remove the foam wrap that was on it for it to fit in my cup holder, but now it works perfectly. No more having my water bottle in the seat next to me, rolling on the floor, or spilling 'cause I forgot to close it! Yay!" —sprocketnellie

    Get it from Wine & Whiskey Co on Etsy for $12.99.

    18. A bug zapper because nothing ruins the outdoor barbecue vibes quite like some pesky insects showing up uninvited. 

    reviewer image of the insect killer hanging on a porch
    reviewer image of a pile of dead bugs

    Promising review: "It zapped all kinds of bugs, which made it so much easier to play around the pool and the yard in the evenings, especially when friends and family were over. I highly recommend it." —Donna 

    Get it from Amazon for $59.65.

    19. Sheer window curtains to help filter out justtttt enough light so the sun doesn't abruptly wake you up in the a.m. without making the room blackout curtain–level dark. Sometimes ya just need a happy medium!

    a buzzfeed editor's bedroom with the white curtains
    A reviewer's living room with the blue curtains behind a couch
    Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    BuzzFeed Shopping editor Chelsea Stuart says, "I have these in white, and I just adore them. They let in SO much light (but still offer privacy), and I love that they have visible texture. I was originally searching for real linen curtains but didn't want to shell out the $$$. When I found these, I wasn't really expecting much, but I thought I'd give them a shot, and wow — the quality is pretty incredible, given the price. They're also rather lightweight." 

    Promising review: "These are beautiful curtains. Sheer enough to let the light in but full enough so you can’t see in the house — even at night. They do have a bit of a hash texture I wasn’t expecting, but I think it’s nice." —MRC

    Get a set from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in 7 sizes and 11 colors). 

    20. pet hair remover you simply swipe over surfaces covered in hair from your furry bestie. It saves more time (and is a heck of a lot easier) than fussing around with a vacuum and lint rollers!

    gif of a reviewer using the pet hair roller
    reviewer before and after photo of a chair covered in fur and no longer covered in fur after using the pet hair roller

    Promising review: "Where has this been all my cat-loving life? Sticky rollers work fine for clothes, but this is the only product that has ever COMPLETELY removed all the cat hair from my bed. I have a long-haired, 20-pound tabby, and if you run your hands up his back a few times and fling the hair everywhere, it looks like it's snowing — he never stops shedding no matter what I do. After using the ChomChom, I can put on a black dress and roll around on my bed and not get a single hair on me. It's absolutely amazing. Everyone is getting one for Christmas, even if they don't have a pet. I don't care; it's THAT good." —DH

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in two colors).

    21. An under-desk slide-out drawer for those who already have a perfectly functioning table to sit and get their work done at but could really use a good spot to keep things like writing utensils, office supplies, cables, and more. 

    two small white drawers with pens in them installed in the underside of a desk

    Promising review: "This product works exactly as I'd hoped and is now neatly under my desk without taking up so much room that I bump it or knock it off when I sit down. The adhesive stuck on easily and feels very sturdy. Remember to be realistic in terms of the weight of objects you put in these drawers (i.e. don't fill it with heavy items and then get upset when the adhesive wears down quickly). Pens, paperclips, sticky notes, earbuds, and scissors all fit in mine, and I will definitely buy these again for our other desks." —Shopping Mama

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in two colors and a larger size).

    22. A set of oil-absorbing sponges that suck up scum, grime, and other yuckiness that's accumulated in your pool with minimal effort required on your part. The season of backyard parties and intense games of pool volleyball are just around the corner.

    Promising review: "Scummy water bugging you? I just got this gem of a product last night. I popped it into my hot tub, and from the picture I attached, you can see that in just about 12 hours, this little Scumbug ate up all the oil and filth in the hot tub. The water not only looks better but smells better, too! Highly recommended!" —Mickey D.

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.99.

    23. A knife and cutlery cleaner prepared to tackle caked-on condiments on your knife, food bits on your fork, and everything in between. After all, your utensils touch your food (and many of them go in your mouth), so you wanna make sure they're as clean as can be!

    A reviewer using a green, non-slip brush knife
    A model washing a knife with a green, non-slip knife brush

    Promising review: "I never thought I would write a review for a knife scrubber, but this one is fantastic! It's easy to hold, keeps your hand safe, keeps you from constantly replacing sponges that have been cut accidentally, and the bristles are nice and stiff so they really get the knives scrubbed clean! It's also a great size and covers my big knives completely. Highly recommend!!" —AznShppr

    Get it from Amazon for $7.40.

    24. A set of can lids for turning your cans of seltzer and soda into bottled bevs you can easily take on the go. Incredible, right?!

    A mountain dew can with a silicone bottle lid attached to the top
    Reviewer tilting the can to show the leakproof seal

    Promising review: "These are amazing! Especially for kids. I have carried them by the top as well as flipped them upside down, etc., and it does not pop off! I was skeptical but surprised at how well they stay on!" —Britt25

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $13.97+ (available in seven color combinations and packs of 12). 

    25. A set of wipes that'll help clean away grease and grime off your kitchen appliances in a breeze! Your microwave, cooktop, fridge, and more are gonna sparkle in no time!

    reviewer before photo showing the inside of their microwave looking dirty
    the same reviewer's microwave now looking clean after using the wipes

    Promising review: "This product is amazing. I can't stand when, after I am cooking how, I always have oil stains and grease on my cooktop! But with one wipe I am able to now get everything off the stove. It is very convenient to be able to just use one wipe for everything!" —Debora Elliott

    Get a pack of 30 wipes and a large microfiber cloth from Amazon for $9.97 (also available as a pack of 60).

    26. A set of rug grippers for *gasp* actually keeping your rug IN PLACE. Your pup with the zoomies, vacuum cleaner, and kiddos are no match for these!

    A runner rug securely placed in a front hallway
    Reviewer lifting rug corner to show white square rug gripper on the bottom

    Promising review: "I’ve tried multiple nonslip items for under rugs because my dog runs about 100 miles an hour across my door mats and hallway runners, and nothing would hold my rugs in place. I would be moving them back in place 10–15 times a day, and it was more than annoying. I found these after multiple other nonslip devices failed, and they work amazingly!!! Occasionally, they come loose, but that’s my dog's fault. He only has one speed, FAST. So maybe once or twice a month, I have to set the rugs back, and then they’re good to go. I clean under the pads every week or so to keep dog hair and debris off of them, and that helps them stick better and last longer. For anyone with a dog who goes hyperspeed, these are a must for rugs on hardwood." —Chuck B

    Get a four-piece set from Amazon for $8.98.

    27. A coffee pod holder you can mount to the side of your machine or the wall — your choice! Either way, it'll save you some precious countertop space (and make your single-serve pods look cool).  

    A reviewer's blue dispensers mounted next to their coffee maker
    a reviewer's pink coffee maker with the pink dispensers attached to the side

    The two-row dispenser holds 10 coffee pods, while the three-row option holds 15.

    Promising review: "Product works well. They have little sticky tabs on the back (like the tabs used for Command hooks). Make sure to clean the surface well and allow it to dry before you place them. There is an arrow on the back that tells you which side should be up. This really helps with storage. Now, I don't have a separate storage container on my counter taking up space. I was able to get it in the same color as my machine, which makes it look like my Keurig came that way." —Jaclyn

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in packs of two or three and four colors).

    28. A Shower Cat hair catcher — a simple wall-adhesive solution to get if at any point your shower wall or door has resembled a yuckier version of an abstract painting, except instead of colors, it was just all the hair you shed. 

    A small bristled silicone attachment on a wall with white cat-like ears
    Reviewer using the device to put hair in and pull it out

    Shower Cat is a small business established in 2021 specializing in products to prevent shower clogs. 

    Promising review: "I first saw this product on TikTok, and I knew immediately that I needed it. I just moved into a new apartment, and I didn’t want to be how I used to be, where I’d just let hair go down the drain and plug it eventually or peel it off of the drain after each shower. It works great, but I probably need some practice with it. I currently just floss my hair through it so it will hold them and there are a few stray hairs that don’t stick. I would recommend to anyone who is tired of putting your loose strands of hair on the shower wall." —Cari Schwartzkopf

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95

    29. A smart air conditioning unit that'll put your current one to shame: The unit you have now sounds like it has a nasty cough, even on the lowest possible setting. Meanwhile, this one is super quiet, can be controlled via an app (if you forgot to turn off the unit before leaving for a trip, there's no need to fret), AND is voice-compatible via Alexa and Google Assistant. 

    Promising review: "I don’t usually write product reviews, but I am now because this is one of the best household products I have ever bought. This Midea U-shaped AC is an ingenious design that is basically a split AC system mounted in a window, with the window closing almost all the way through the middle of the unit. The result is a much quieter and more efficient unit, with the noisy part that generates heat on the outside of the closed window. It also looks sleek and modern, and the remote control and app are great. I have thought many times, 'I wish someone would make a split AC system that can fit in a window without having to install separate units on the roof or wall,' and now they have!" —Ben

    Get it from Amazon for $389.99+ (available in four styles).

    30. A pair of horizontal glasses to make watching TV, WFH, reading a book, or simply scrolling TikTok and laying down at the same time a neck strain–free experience. These are also especially helpful for anyone who might be on bed rest for medical conditions and could use a simpler way to enjoy their favorite forms of entertainment. 

    reviewer image of the glasses
    reviewer using the glasses, showing how it doesn't strain your neck

    Promising review: "I didn't know what I was missing until I used this. My life is now complete. If you enjoy comfort and being lazy but don't care how ridiculous you look wearing these, then you have found Nirvana. My glasses fit in these just fine. It takes a minute to get used to, and then it becomes your reason to live. Expect people to laugh at you, but forgive them for they know not what they are missing." —Michael Boyd

    Get them from Amazon for $12.99.

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.