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    24 Pieces Of Candy That Are Almost Too Beautiful To Eat

    As a wise man named Aaron Carter once said, "I want candy."

    1. Planet lollipops make for a truly out-of-this-world treat.

    2. Kate Spade New York-inspired chocolate-dipped Oreos are a dream-come-true for fashionistas with a sweet tooth.

    3. Edible butterflies are going to make your cakey creations so damn gorgeous, you might be afraid to eat them. We're sorry.

    4. Fruit-infused lollipops that set a whole new standard for these sweets on a stick.

    5. Chocolate-covered marshmallow unicorns are a magical way to get into the unicorn craze that's recently swept the nation.

    6. Spiced caramel apple chocolates are everything you love about autumn molded into the most scrumptious and unique dessert you'll taste.

    7. Kyoto blossoms are itty bitty sugar flowers, and a delicacy of Japan. How cool is that?

    8. And, while we're on the subject of international sweets, frutta fiore come from Italy — they're fruit-flavored fondant treats.

    9. Birthday cake truffles for those craving some melt-in-your-mouth goodness. You don't have to be celebrating a birthday to enjoy them!

    10. Chocolate light pops are meant to be purchased as a holiday goody, but their color and glitz make them a confection you'll want to buy year-round.

    11. Champagne bubble gummies make for an elegant party favor, or a lavish lil' snack if that's what you want them for.

    12. Heart-shaped macarons, because regular macarons are already pretty enough, but when ya' make them heart-shaped, it makes them that much better.

    13. Colorful rock candy will instill a feeling of nostalgia, and also, a feeling of an intense sugar rush. Worth it though, right?

    14. Seashell chocolate-covered Oreos are sweeter than a sunshine-filled day at the beach — and that is pretty sweeeet.

    15. Candy flowers that bloom with chocolatey-sugary goodness, the best floral arrangement you could ever purchase.

    16. Rose-petal cake bites will make you feel classy AF, just from the moment you pick them up to eat them.

    17. Ombre lollipops are shimmmery, shiny, and sweet — and so Instagram-worthy.

    18. Chocolate truffles unlike anything you've seen before — rainbow-coated and heart-shaped, so you know they're made with love.

    19. Candy blox are your ticket to FINALLY being able to play with your food.

    20. Under-the-sea chocolate-covered pretzels you'll eagerly dive into.

    21. Gourmet chocolates too gorgeous to eat, so don't worry, you won't need one of those fancy-schmancy cards telling you which kind you're eating.

    22. Rose gummies are guaranteed to be the prettiest kind of gummy you ever eat.

    23. Alma bonbons that come molded in shapes like roses and crowns, because you're royalty and you deserve to live like this.

    24. A golden chocolate heart made with real, edible, 23-karat gold leaf. Perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life.

    "23-karat magic in the airrrrrrr!"

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.