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    Emilie Kiser Is Winning Her Way Into Everyone’s Hearts- Here’s Why

    If you don’t like her, get out.

    So unless you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know who Emilie Kiser is, she has recently blown up on TikTok for her relatable, funny and engaging videos.

    Her content ranges from early mornings to skincare to running errands with her and recently, to personal experiences such as breast surgery.

    Emilie manages to take us all on a journey through her day to day life and takes us in the car with her on errand runs to Target, Sephora and Starbucks to spend her gift cards while blasting a mix of Taylor Swift, Beyoncé and 50 Cent.

    Her consistency is admirable, you know exactly when to say "Go potty Wes", "Who's handsome? Triggy is!" and "Back for my phone", her daily videos make everyones day with her geniuine and bubbly personality.

    Her morning routines. No need to say much else. The way she juggles being a young mom and maintaing a healthy lifestyle is meritorious. Maybe she's waking up at 5AM to set out to a pilates class or maybe she slept past her alarm and being the authentic queen she is, explains how she was up late with Trigg during the night.

    What else has she enamoured everyone with? Her hair styling skills. Braids, buns, twists, you name it, she will 100% nail it and pull it off.

    I know I speak for everyone when I say we love her undying obsession with Dr. Pepper. You just know that if she's not heading to Starbucks on an errands run, she's making her way to Swig to fill her Stanley bottle with a dirty Dr. Pepper.

    And more about her family, who are just the cutest. Emilie, her husband Brady, their son Trigg and their dog Wes. Her family content is adorable and they put on view such loving relationships between them all that makes us love them all even more.

    Lastly, what has lately taken over her page is content from her boob job. She has been very open about her journey and experience of the surgery, with the idea to help women who are thinking of going through with the transformation as well.

    Basically, we STAN Emilie and if you see this, we love you.