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We Want To Know Your Favourite Fan Theories About A TV Show Or Movie

"How reliable is the young Mr. Potter as a source?"

There are a lot of bizarre fan theories out there about various TV shows and films – some make no sense and some make A LOT of sense... maybe too much sense! 👀

Like the idea that Hogwarts is actually a medical facility where Harry Potter is receiving psychiatric treatment for his paranoid and deluded belief in a parallel magical world.

Or the Pixar theory – of which there are many – that Andy's mum is Jessie's former owner, Emily!

Or the alternative-ending-cum-fan-theory that Phoebe Buffay never had any "friends" – she was just a homeless lady living in New York who liked to watch the other five through the window of Central Perk and imagine what their lives were like.

What we want to know is – what's the weirdest, most fantastical fan theory you've ever heard about a TV show or a movie? Let us know in the comments below and you could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video!