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What's The Creepiest, Most Random Thing Someone's Showed You On The Internet?

"I've got a fish cooking in the oven."

Cast your mind back to the early days of the internet – not quite the '80s, more like the early '00s. It was the age of dial-up connections and ~truly~ weird and random internet content.

My question to you is – what's a weird or creepy or random thing someone showed you during the early days of the internet that has stayed with you?

Maybe someone introduced you to this guy, and you got obsessed with his endearing oddness.

salad fingers

Or maybe someone tricked you using Peter Answers – a firm fave of my friend group.

Dare I say it, maybe someone introduced you to a cup and two ladies...

Chocolate Ice Cream

Or maybe, in the deep dark recesses of the internet, someone found THAT Mr. Hands video and made you watch it... 😨.

A brown haired Thoroughbred Stallion horse standing majestically in a rural landscape with daffodils

Whatever it is, let us know the strangest or creepiest or most random thing someone made you watch during the early days of l'internet. Tell us how it made you feel, and you could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video!