People Are Sharing The "Types" They Are Attracted To, But Are Embarrassed To Tell Anyone About

    "It's completely age-appropriate, but it feels really weird."

    Have you ever considered your romantic "type" might be embarrassing? It's not something I've ever thought about, but the good people of Ask Reddit have! u/MyPasswordIsABC999 recently asked, "what's a 'type' you're attracted to but too embarrassed to tell anyone?".

    Here are some of the best responses:

    1. "I still find the early 2000's skater or 'in a band' type look hot."


    2. "Girls that are tall as fuck."


    "The first girl I was ever with cleared me by nearly a foot and I learned something about myself that night."


    3. "Girls with big noses – I'm not quite sure why. Something about a prominent nose just adds a unique sexiness to a woman's face."


    4. "Dweeb girls who'd explain to me the entire unabridged lore of whatever obsession they currently have."


    5. "I like women that are kind of mean or at least look mean and stern."


    6. "A skinny man who wears reading glasses – they're so hot to me."


    7. "I like girls with big ears – I find it cute."


    8. "Butch/androgynous women. I'm not embarrassed, but being married to a man, I find when I mention it it poses questions I don't really have an answer to."


    9. "I like short guys…"


    "I’m 5'11 and my hubby is 5'5."


    10. "Adrien Brody noses."


    11. "Assertive women. Not in a bossing around kind of way, more a she gets what she wants kind of way while still being a kind person."


    12. "As a 23 year old woman, a mom in her 40s/50s. It's in for men to be into MILFs, but I've never heard women going for it as well. I NEVER mention it."


    13. "Super shy girls. Dating one currently and I love her so much."

    "I feel like people assume if you like shy, quiet women, you just want someone subservient. The truth is, I just like taking care of her."


    14. "I like bigger guys, I have no shame in it though. Always have, always will. 🤷🏼‍♀️"


    15. "A librarian! But not like, 'ooh, sexy librarian'... I mean a 'looks like they hang out in the library to read for fun' type. Does that make sense?"


    16. "I'm 38, and I'm starting to be attracted to men with gray hair – or at least salt and pepper hair – which is completely age-appropriate, but it feels really weird."


    17. "I'm attracted to men who look like they should be in an '80s porno. Thin, moustache, look like they work with their hands 🤤."


    H/T to Ask Reddit and u/MyPasswordIsABC999 for this discussion!

    What did you make of these? Do you yourself have a type that might be considered "embarrassing"? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!