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Tell Us If A Book Changed Your Life Forever

If it changed the game for your body, mind, feelings, sex life, spirit, soul, we want to hear about it!

Did you read a book that totally changed your outlook on your life?

Maybe you read a self-help book that gave you some guidance on how to think about your feelings and/or problems.

Or perhaps you read a book about food or nutrition that changed your whole relationship to eating.

Or, did you read something that totally helped you step up your game in terms of exercise, fitness, or movement?

Perhaps there was a book about love, relationships, sex, etc. that helped you level up your romantic game.

Or a book on something totally different that we haven't mentioned here that taught you actual things about your health.

So tell us: What book changed your whole damn life when it comes to your emotional/physical/sexual/spiritual health?

Use the comments below to tell us what it is, why you love it, why people should check it out, and how it changed your life.

Your answer could appear in an upcoming BuzzFeed Health post.