14 Truths Anyone Who Fastens Their Bra In The Front Will Agree With

    Total no-brainer.

    People who fasten their (back-clasping) bras by reaching behind their backs seem to think they're doing it "right," the way nature/God/bras intended.

    Anyone who's hacked the strapping in process by clasping in the front and then swiveling the bra around knows the truth (about their superiority).

    1. The obvious advantage of front clasping is, oh I don't know, that you can see what you're freaking doing.

    2. Which means you actually fasten your bra on the first try.

    3. Front claspers skip that whole wiggling around trying to maneuver those hooks into the loops thing.

    4. And then re-do it when they inevitably discover the dreaded mis-clasp.

    5. Front claspers also avoid twisted strap mishaps.

    6. Sure, front clasping might wear out your bra a little quicker, but honestly, making your life 100% easier is worth reducing your bra's lifespan by like 10%.

    7. Clasping in the front is just plain quicker.

    8. Which means more time for the other crucial parts of your routine (whatever that entails).

    9. Maybe back-claspers have made fun of you using this shortcut. But joke's on them because it gets the job done.

    10. In fact, it's the kind of genius solution to a design problem that Steve Jobs probably would've celebrated.

    11. You don't have to get your wrists in an unnatural position.

    12. Front claspers never need an assist with that one slightly-too-tight bra.

    13. OK, so TECHNICALLY clasping in the back is better for bras but front claspers know that expert advice is meant to be interpreted by the individual.

    14. The bra-wearing public is in agreement.

    That said, no matter how you clasp, we can all agree that the most important moment in the bra-wearing day is something else entirely.