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    The 31 Products On This List Have Your Household Problems Covered

    Everyday messes will be no match for these finds.

    1. A pack of pH-neutral stainless steel wipes to gently but effectively remove all the smudges, watermarks, and fingerprints from your otherwise gorgeous stainless-steel appliances. 

    A reviewer holding the bottle which comes with 30 wipes
    A reviewer's spotless stainless steel fridge after using the wipes

    Promising review: "OMG!!! I can’t believe I didn’t know about this product! I was starting to hate my stainless appliances because they looked so streaked and nasty! My niece gave me some to try and I can’t believe how good my appliances look now! They are beautiful and shining with my minimal effort!!" —Claudia Davis

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $16.98.

    2. A pack of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers that you just add water to and scrub the gunk off whatever surface needs cleaning. I personally keep them on hand to clean my white sneakers — the erasers are perfect for removing scruffs from white soles — but I also use them for cleaning smudges and markings off my walls. 

    Promising review: "These sponges are magic. They will get rid of any stains anywhere. Honestly no matter what is it-it will be clean. My quartz countertops are spotless because of them, kitchen tiles, white walls with toddler hand prints are washed off, Acrylic bath tub. I use them on anything and everything" —kit deng

    Get a pack of 10 from Amazon for $13.24.

    3. A magnetic stove shelf to turn that unused space on the top of your stove into a fully functional shelf, no installation required. It also has a small back lip, so you won't worry about stuff slipping off behind the stove, never to be seen again.

    The stainless shelf on top of the back of a stove range holding oil, salt and pepper shakers, other spices, and a mortar and pestle

    4. A pet hair remover roller that can be used again and again because it doesn't require the single-use adhesive paper found on traditional rollers. Instead, this roller uses bristles that grab the hair, very similar to what a brush does.

    5. An outlet shelf so you can easily store small items that need power, like electric toothbrushes or cellphones.

    6. A moisture meter to tell you if your plants need water. All you do is stick it in the soil of the plant in question and it'll tell you if the soil is dry, moist, or wet.

    Reviewer's moisture meter is in a snake plant pot

    7. Ceiling fan pulls that have a fan or a lightbulb at each end, because why is it you ALWAYS pull the wrong chain?!?

    8. A mold-resistant white grout pen to literally cover nasty grout stains with a fresh coat of waterproof white paint. Each pen can cover up to 150 feet of grout.

    9. Double-sided carpet tape for making sure your rugs stay put. Most rugs show up in a roll, so when you roll them out the corners naturally lift. Use this tape to make sure the corners stay down and the rug never moves out of place.

    10. Adjustable bedsheet fasteners, because fitted sheets never stay put and it always happens at like, 3 a.m. These suspenders keep the sheet in place until it's time to change the linens.

    The black clip-on straps, which look like a three-pronged suspender, securing the edges of a fitted sheet around the bottom of a mattress

    11. Keurig cleaning cups if you use your Keurig pretty often but have never thought to clean it. Just pop in one of the pods as you would a coffee cup, and proceed to be equal parts amazed and disgusted at how much residue was in your machine.

    12. A bottle of wood polish and conditioner to revive all sorts of wood surfaces and furniture in your home. Use it on cabinetry, old floors, doors, furniture — you name it. 

    reviewer pic of scratched bad looking kitchen cabinets then them looking refreshed thanks to the wood polish with none of the scratches visible
    reviewer pic of a dry old wood floor that looks gray with half of it looking refreshed thanks to the wood polish

    Enhances the natural beauty and depth of grain on finished *and* unfinished wood. For use on antiques, dining tables, kitchen cabinets, wood doors and trim, etc.

    Promising review: "Very impressed so far. Just tried this stuff on one of our kitchen cabinets and it really did a nice job. The cabinets are 15-year-old cherry-stained hard work cabinets (oak, maybe?) and are scratched deeply in certain parts from the previous owner's dogs. Twenty minutes after applying this product and wiping it off, I can't complain at all about the results. It looks great in the picture, and even better in real life, where you are not focusing on staring at imperfections. In addition to helping tremendously with the blemishes, it also leaves a nice glossy shine on the cabinets, making them look clean and fresh (not over-the-top glossy and fake). For the minimal price, I can't complain at all. Finally, I used about 1/3 of an ounce to do the 36" double base cabinets and the 36" wide drawer, so I believe the 16-ounce bottle will last quite a while." —Patrick Gallagher

    Get it from Amazon for $9.98.

    13. A garbage-disposal cleaner that uses bright blue magical foam to get rid of unpleasant lingering smells. Trust me, I use these in my own home and watching them work is like watching one of the Harry Potter movies — pure magic!

    14. A fabric defuzzer to safely remove unsightly pilling and unwanted broken and matted fibers from furniture and clothing. The tool is battery operated and has three depth settings to quickly shave fuzz.

    A reviewer's before-and-after image of the side of their sofa. The armrest was scratched with fabric pulled and after using the defuzzer it looks brand new.

    15. An Instant Pot magnetic cheat sheet that classifies and categorizes 95 common food ingredients for easy reference. Just stick on the side of your Instant Pot and never scramble to look up a recipe on your phone again.

    An Instant Pot with the cheat sheet on the side showing pasta, seafood, pork, beans, and vegetable timing

    16. A chlorine- and bleach-free bottle of Grandma's Secret, an under the radar spot remover that reviewers swear is the best product ever. A single drop can help remove oil, ink, makeup ... even blood. 

    white leather couch with tons of pen scribbles on it
    the same couch without the pen scribbles

    Promising review: "This is the most awesome stain remover product I have ever used! It removes so many stains that were previously impossible to completely remove. For stains I have any doubt about, I do not place the item in the dryer. If the stain is not completely removed I repeat the process a second time and that nearly always works. I have saved some of my favorite clothes using Grandma's! Each of my grandchildren will be receiving a bottle of Grandma'a from me when they leave for college this fall!" —Patricia A. Lee

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99+ (available in one or two ounce bottles).

    17. Unscented lint drying balls that reduce the time it takes to dry laundry and replace the need for dryer sheets and softener. Each drying ball is handmade in California from 100% natural unscented wool. These are specifically designed to be reused, aka last for years — imagine all the money you'll save by not buying packs of single-use dryer sheets. 

    The set of four drying balls and drawstring bag
    Towels by Gus

    Dryer balls can decrease drying time by much as 20-40%, depending on load size and fabric.

    Towels by Gus is a small, family-run business based out of Sonoma, California, specializing in bath towels and linens made from 100% USA grown cotton.

    Promising review: "These are awesome! I'm all about being eco-friendly, so I love using these. They work great, I definitely recommend them." —Dan

    Get them from Towels by Gus for $24.

    18. A vent cleaner hose that'll attach to your vacuum and clean out your lint trap. Making sure your lint trap isn't clogged greatly improves the drying time needed.

    19. A bottle of powdered Bar Keepers Friend, which is a bleach-free cleaner to remove rust, tarnish, mineral deposits, and tough stains from almost any type of surface. Works outdoors, too! 

    A reviewer's before and after photos which show a once extremely dirty white stovetop and now a completely clean stovetop
    A reviewer's photo of a stainless steel pan that is tarnished on one side and clean on the other after being treated with the formula

    Promising review: "This stuff is like magic! Straight-up wizardry. I love it! I initially bought it to clean my sink, which is porcelain and even though it's not even a year old, is just holding on to all the coffee and tea staining. I'd say it took less than a minute after making a paste with Bar Keepers Friend to clean the sink up to a nearly new shine. Taking a look at the can it's easy to find bunches of ways to use this stuff and each application is better than the last. Stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic, copper, brass, fiberglass, corian, chrome and aluminum. See? Magic! Anyhow, I've used it in the sink, in the bathroom, to clean stainless steel pots and pans on a 17-year-old Revereware tea kettle (which I thought would never be restored to its former loveliness, btw). This is a product that I will buy again and again and will happily recommend to anyone." —Nicci Stephenson

    Get it from Amazon for $6.73+ (available in packs of one, two, or three).

    20. Stove counter gap covers that'll prevent crumbs and spills from dripping down that ever so tiny space between the stove and the counter. It's basically impossible to reach, but you sure can smell it when something nasty is down there. This product fixes that problem. 

    close up of the black strip on the edge of the stovetop that blends in with the black oven
    overall pic of a stove top with the strips in place and blending in with the convection stove top

    Promising review: "I wish I had discovered this sooner. I cook a lot and it annoyed me whenever spills and crumbs would get in the gap between the stove and countertop. This was an effective and easy solution. It is easy to install. I ordered the size that covered the whole width of my counter, cut it to size and fit in between the crack. Because it is silicone, it is easy to take on and off to clean. I am not sure how much heat it can withstand but I just try not to put hot pans on it to be safe." —LLMama

    Get them from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in a 21" or 26" long strip). 

    21. A tub of The Pink Stuff, a vegan, all-purpose cleaner for tackling all the stains and grossness you thought was permanent: crayon markings on walls, rust on outdoor furniture, glass stovetops ... the list goes on and on.

    A reviewer's before photo which shows a white wall covered in crayon scribbles
    The reviewer's after photo which shows all crayon scribbles are completely gone

    Promising review: "Oh my gosh — this stuff is a life-changer! Used it to get my fiberglass shower totally clean. Nothing else would get it done and this stuff brought my shower back to near-new in one use. We’ve since cleaned a weird chalky film off our garage door, removed wall markings and cleaned my storm door. We’ll never be without a jar (or three) of this stuff. Worth every penny of the surcharge US residents have to pay. It’s worth it." —Nancy F. 

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    22. A pack of six furniture markers that you use to cover small nicks and cuts in your wood furniture and floors. Each kit comes with the most common wood colors (cherry, mahogany, walnut, black, maple, and oak) and matching crayons for easy filling when the damaged area is a little deep.

    23. A drip catcher for soaking up pesky water splashes and puddles that form around your kitchen faucet. Pools of standing water on your countertop can increase bacteria growth, and this product makes sure that never happens.

    24. A bottle of all-natural aromatic cleaner that's pretty enough to keep on your countertop. With notes of geranium, rose, and neroli, this cleaner is as much a room spray as it is a cleaner.

    A person's hand uses a bottle of the cleaner to clean a marble surface
    Saint Olio

    You can also buy the concentrate in 8-oz or 16-oz bottles. Each ounce of concrete mixed with water yields one full bottle of cleaner, so an 8-oz bottle will yield eight full bottles of cleaner. 

    Saint Olio is a woman-owned small business based in Portland, Oregon making all-natural aromatic cleaners. Using their unique blends of essential oils, they also make body refreshers, hand sanitizers, linen sprays, and bathing salts.

    Get it from Saint Olio for $20

    25. A multi-purpose basket that extends to fit whatever sink you're working with. Thanks to its drainage holes, you can use it for all types of cleaning tasks, from cleaning veggies and fruits to silverware and plates. It also collapses when not in use for easy storage. Remind me again why we're still using those giant metal colanders that take up so much space!?!

    26. A container lid organizer to finally keep all your lids organized in one easily accessible way. Never again will you be sifting through a sea of lids trying to find the exact one you need to save your leftover spaghetti.

    The container lid organizer in white

    27. A mounted towel rack, because bathrooms (especially rentals!!!!) never have enough rods or hooks. The compact design can fit in small spaces, and each rack can hold up to eight towels.

    28. A magnetic paper towel holder to put on your fridge so that you free up counter space. Seriously, I actually have this thing and it's a game-changer. I didn't know how much space my old holder was taking up until I switched to this fridge magnet one.

    29. A pack of wool "socks" for your tables and chairs, so that you'll never scratch your beautiful flooring again. They also help dampen the sound when you move furniture.

    A leg of a chair with the sock on it

    30. A set of shelf bins to transform your fridge into something worthy of a TikTok restock video (such a deep cut). No more opening mystery containers to see what's inside!

    Reviewer photo showing the inside of a fridge organized using the bins

    31. A rust-removing spray that'll save even the most disgusting shower surrounds. It's specifically formulated to cling as it dissolves the toughest rust stains on contact. Just spray it on, give it a a few minutes, and then wipe away years of rusty buildup. It's that easy. 

    reviewer pic of shower surround with tons of rusty stains on it
    same shower surround that's completely stain-free now

    Promising review: "Used it on our tubs, toilets, sinks, and shower. Compared it to the It Works Bathroom you can get at The Dollar Tree. It took one bottle of this stuff to achieve the same result as three bottles of the It Works. I will buy this again hands-down. I tried the powder, which was good for scrubbing and soaking the tub, but the spray was fantastic for the shower and sink. Just spray, walk away for a few minutes, and wipe/rinse." —Carrie D

    Get it from Amazon for $11.28.