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    26 Ways To Deep Clean Your Kitchen

    Give yourself the gift of a sparkling clean kitchen.

    1. Get your wood cabinets back to their original glory with some wood polisher. This is so much cheaper than actually replacing them, and using it on a regular basis can actually help keep the wood hydrated so it lasts longer.

    2. If your sink's garbage disposal is emitting a foul odor, try removing unpleasant foodstuff that's stuck in there with a garbage disposal brush. Because it's 11 inches, it can go pretty deep into your drain for a very thorough cleaning. Never again will you have to fearfully shove your hand down the drain to try to dislodge stuck food.

    Reviewer holding garbage disposal brush

    3. And if that doesn't fix it, this garbage-disposal cleaner will surely do the trick. It uses bright blue magical foam to get rid of nasty smells, and I can tell you firsthand that it does a great job.

    4. To make your kitchen's floors look brand-new, use this mold-resistant white grout pen to cover pesky grout stains. Each pen can cover up to 150 feet of grout.

    5. But before you paint over stained grout that's beyond saving, scrub the grout with this acid-free grout cleaner to clean up the grime that's built up over time but can still be removed with cleaning.

    6. If you have a cast-iron or frying pan, it's probably time to give it a deep cleaning. This stainless-steel chainmail scrubber will do the trick, but without removing the pan's seasoning. It's specifically designed to remove burnt food, soot and, old greasy plaque, and is delicate enough that it won't leave scratch marks.

    Chain on cast iron pot

    7. And speaking of maintenance, consider a pack of stain-removing, nontoxic cleaning cups for the quickest, easiest Keurig cleaning ever. Simply use one of the cups a few times in a row — or until the water runs clear — and boom, you're done! 

    A customer review photo of the dirty water coming out of their Keurig after running the cleaning cup through it
    A customer review photo of their Keurig with a cleaning cup in it

    Promising review: "Okay, so these cleaner pods are awesome! I didn't know how gross our Keurig was until today. The big mason jar on the left is when I actually ran the cleaner through plus one rinse cycle. The middle one is another rinse cycle and the last one, on the right, is the last one I did. So yes, I would suggest running two or three rinse cycles instead of the recommended one. But it's still an awesome product for the price! I have a Keurig 2.0 and I had no issues." —Mads0421

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $10.95.

    8. Or try a descaling solution that'll break down all of the limescale buildup inside your electric kettle or coffee maker. Reviewers say that it takes "less time" to heat water after using this, and that coffee tastes "stronger" because it's being brewed in a squeaky clean pot.

    9. Make sure your gorgeous stainless steel appliances stay sparkling with a pack of pH-neutral stainless steel wipes to remove fingerprints, streaks, smudges, and all the other junk that finds its way onto your fridge's surface. 

    A reviewer holding the bottle which comes with 30 wipes
    A reviewer's spotless stainless steel fridge after using the wipes

    Promising review: "OMG!!! I can’t believe I didn’t know about this product! I was starting to hate my stainless appliances because they looked so streaked and nasty! My niece gave me some to try and I can’t believe how good my appliances look now! They are beautiful and shining with my minimal effort!!" —Claudia Davis

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $13.98.

    10. An unfortunate truth about kitchen appliances is that they don't clean themselves. For instance, who knew you needed to regularly clean a dishwasher? Thankfully it's easy with a pack of dishwasher tablets. The tablets are formulated to remove the most common dishwasher stains, like lime and mineral buildup.

    A reviewer's before picture which shows their dishwasher with stains and spots
    The reviewer's after photo which shows their dishwasher sparkling clean

    Promising review: "I had tried lots of white vinegar for two cycles in my 20-year-old dishwasher for the cloudy and powdery dinginess it had started showing and it only helped about 30%. We have very hard water. This zapped the buildup and glass is clear again and colored plastics no longer have the powder-like coating. So glad I took a chance on this!" —J. Holden

    Get it from Amazon for $5.98+ (available in packs of six or 12).

    11. Use a bottle of powdered Bar Keepers Friend to remove tough stains from almost any type of surface — from pans to stovetops. It's a bleach-free cleaner that removes rust, tarnish, and mineral deposits.

    A reviewer's before and after photos which show a once extremely dirty white stovetop and now a completely clean stovetop
    A reviewer's photo of a stainless steel pan that is tarnished on one side and clean on the other after being treated with the formula

    The hardworking formula is safe for use on surfaces in your bathroom and kitchen — including cookware!

    Promising review: "This stuff is like magic! Straight-up wizardry. I love it! I initially bought it to clean my sink, which is porcelain and even though it's not even a year old, is just holding on to all the coffee and tea staining. I'd say it took less than a minute after making a paste with Bar Keepers Friend to clean the sink up to a nearly new shine. Taking a look at the can it's easy to find bunches of ways to use this stuff and each application is better than the last. Stainless steel, porcelain, ceramic, copper, brass, fiberglass, corian, chrome and aluminum. See? Magic! Anyhow, I've used it in the sink, in the bathroom, to clean stainless steel pots and pans on a 17-year-old Revereware tea kettle (which I thought would never be restored to its former loveliness, btw). This is a product that I will buy again and again and will happily recommend to anyone." —Nicci Stephenson

    Get it from Amazon for $6.79+ (available in packs of one, two, or three).

    12. Consider a cooktop cleaner kit so you can wipe away messes from your glass stove top with ease. The kit comes with a bottle of cleaner, a sponge, and a scraper — everything you need to get the job done.

    before and after a reviewer's scratched stovetop and then completely clean stovetop
    someone using the included scraper

    What's included: 10-ounce bottle of cooktop cleaner, one cleaning pad and grip pad, and one scraper.

    Promising review: "This is amazing! I hadn't thoroughly scrubbed my glass cooktop in years. I had only wiped it down with random multi cleaners which never seemed to do much. Then a friend recommended this product — AMAZING! The included scrubbers and scrapers really make the difference. As others have said, it will leave your cooktop shiny and new. Even marks that had been on there for years came almost completely off... it's 98% better." —B. Swartwood

    Get it from Amazon for $11.49.

    13. If after you finish a deep cleaning you notice small nicks in your wood floors or cabinetry, use a set of furniture markers to make those surfaces look new again. Each kit comes with the most common wood colors (cherry, mahogany, walnut, black, maple, and oak) and matching crayons for easy filling when the damaged area is a little deep.

    14. Once you give your fridge a scrub down, keep it clean and organized with shelf bins for storing everything from soda cans to eggs. Not only will your fridge look great, but if there's ever a spill it'll be contained to that bin and not drip all over the place.

    Reviewer photo showing the inside of a fridge organized using the bins

    15. Tackle the tough job of cleaning any stained surface in your kitchen with a pack of Magic Erasers. This all-in-one product is a game changer and dissolves as it works so the cleanup from the cleanup is minimal at best.

    Reviewer's before and after shot of a dirty and then very clean stovetop

    16. To take on deep cleaning without using a ton of chemicals that produce headache-inducing fumes, use this bottle of all-natural all-purpose cleaner. It only uses five powerful plant- and mineral-based ingredients to combat grime and leave the room smelling divine.

    A person holds up the all purpose cleaner in a bathroom

    17. To wipe down the everyday buildup of a frequently used kitchen, use this canister of 90 heavy-duty cleaning wipes that are soaked in an industrial strength formula. Years of grime and residue will be no match for these powerful wipes.

    container of wipes next to wipes covered in dirt and debris post-cleaning

    18. To effortlessly remove all the dust from your window blinds, use this microfiber blinds duster. The tool is specifically designed with spaced-out fingers to tackle multiple blinds in one swipe.

    19. To remove stubborn stains and odors from your reusable coffee cups and water bottles, try some all-natural bottle-cleaning tablets. Just pop a tablet into one of your bottles and let the fizz do the work — no soap, sink, or scrubbing required.

    Reviewer before, during, and after images of a thermos using the tablets

    20. If your kitchen has a lot of glass and even mirrors, consider a pack of eight microfiber cloths that are specifically designed to clean those surfaces. They won't leave residue like paper towels do and are soft enough to not scratch delicate surfaces.

    21. Is your oven overdue for a deep cleaning? Use this 100% natural oven scrub that doesn't use any harsh chemicals to get the job done. Thanks to a mixture of eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, and tea tree essential oils, your oven will smell divine, too!

    22. Deep cleaning means utilizing tools that can put in the work.  Replace your single-use, disposable Swiffer dusters with a reusable and washable duster. It's made with eight layers of nonfraying fleece fabric for a poofy dusting pad that does a better job of collecting dust than the original, disposable version.

    colorful reusable swiffer duster covers
    TS Designs / Etsy

    Psst — the seller notes that this works best with Swiffers with the yellow handle, but also is compatible with the blue handle. You should avoid using fabric softener when washing this duster so it won't lose its static cling.

    TS Designs is a Michigan-based small business that offers vintage gifts and decor paired with eco-friendly items.

    Promising review: "I love these! They are really thick and they wipe up the dust easily. I actually bought three so I could keep one on while the other is being washed. I had no issues with getting it on my holder. Glad to have found these!" —Rebecca Jo

    Get it from TS Designs on Etsy for $5.49 (available in 10 colors).

    23. Give your cutting board the deep cleaning it deserves with a cutting board cleaner made with coconut soap and lemon oil.

    Reviewer cleaning cutting board with cleaner and sponge

    24. And finish the job with a jar of conditioner for your cutting board, because you probably had no idea you should be taking care of it in between washings. The blend of coconut oil and beeswax will keep it protected, bright, and shiny.

    25. Remove the mysterious sticky buildup on your kitchen appliances, cabinets, and countertops with a bottle of Goo Gone. Stickers, wax, markers, glue, glitter, gum, labels...none of these are any match for the power of Goo Gone.

    A fridge with gooey streaks on it
    An after pic without the streaks

    People also swear by this for removing annoying stickers from new products, too!

    Promising review: "I have been using Goo Gone since it was first introduced and every year I find new uses for it. I keep a large bottle in the garage for cleaning tools and removing adhesives, and nothing works better. I've only recently started using it as an all-purpose kitchen cleaner, and it has taken over most of my kitchen and bathroom jobs. Newest use — quickly and easily cuts through the soapy residue left behind in the bathroom sink and shower." —24karats

    Get it from Amazon for $7.56.

    26. If your kitchen's appliances are literally caked in what you thought were permanent stains, try a tub of The Pink Stuff, a vegan, all-purpose cleaner for tackling all the stains and grossness. 

    A reviewer's before photo which shows a white stove covered in rust and stains
    A reviewer's after photo which shows the same white stove looking brand new

    Promising review: "Oh my gosh — this stuff is a life-changer! Used it to get my fiberglass shower totally clean. Nothing else would get it done and this stuff brought my shower back to near-new in one use. We’ve since cleaned a weird chalky film off our garage door, removed wall markings and cleaned my storm door. We’ll never be without a jar (or three) of this stuff. Worth every penny of the surcharge US residents have to pay. It’s worth it." —Nancy F. 

    Get it from Amazon for $8.98+ (available in packs of one or two).

    After reading all these tips, this will NEVER be you again: