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    10 Things To Know About Saint Pelagia

    Saint Pelagia started her life as a harlot, adorning herself with sins, until eventually she wanted to transform herself into a holy ascetic, immortalizing herself into Sainthood.

    1. She was called Margaret (pearl)

    2. She cried - A lot

    "She was so struck that she despaired of herself and her tears flowed in

    such a flood that she could not control them"

    3. She was an actress, and therefore a harlot

    4. The devil tested her many times

    Pelagia had numerous "run ins" with the devil, akin to a lot of desert wanderers.

    5. She was eventually baptized

    6. After her baptism, she lived in the desert

    Pelagia spent the rest of her life living in the desert, as many ascetics did, and it eventually became the place she died.

    7. She became the monk Pelagius - yes, she pretended to be a man

    In those times, the only way to be taken seriously was to not be a woman!

    8. She traded in her pearls and gems for breaches and a tunic

    Many ascetics give up their earthly possessions, especially those that suggest wealth. Superfluous wealth is considered sin to ascetics, who often times live a life of self-inflicted poverty.

    9. Her ascetic lifestyle made her lose her beauty

    10. She was found dead in her desert home