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    I Just Found Out I'm Actually Gen Z And I Am Shook

    Talk about an identity crisis. (This is for the Editorial Fellowship)

    It was just a regular Thursday. I was minding my own business and hanging out. And then it happened. My cousin told me that she read an article about Gen Z entering the workforce and that the youngest Millennials are currently 24. I'm 23.

    All my adult life, I've been thinking I was a Millennial. I've even had people refer to me as a Millennial. Are you saying I missed the cut off by a few months??

    Millennials and Gen Z (or as some people call them "Millennials on Steroids") have a some differences between them, but for the most part, are pretty similar. The biggest difference is the fact that Gen Z grew up with technology while Millennials technically grew into it. Basically, Gen Z revolves around technology and their devices have shaped who they are and what they aspire to be. Even social media preferences between the two generations are different. Most Millenials prefer Facebook while most Gen Z'ers prefer Instagram and Snapchat.

    I thought I was the end of the Millennials. I mean, I had a psychology textbook that said last birth year for Millennials was 1995. I barely made the cut-off and I was thrilled. But now I'm Gen Z?

    Maybe I'm both? I mean I can relate to both. The New York Times article compared Hannah from "Girls" and Alex from "Modern Family" by saying Hannah is your typical Millennial while Alex is your typical Gen Z'er.

    I guess until someone gives me a definitive answer, I'll answer to both. I'm a Millennial and Gen Z. I'm a Genennial. And in the words of Queen Britney Spears, I'm not a girl (Gen Z) but not yet a woman (Millennial).