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    Valentine's Day Approaches

    Tips for you singles trying to survive Valentine's day.

    The big day is just around the corner with many buying gifts and accessories for their loved ones. However not everyone will be seeing Valentine’s Day as a happy day of the month. Some will be grieving at the prospect of being single or filled with worry for the future, while others enjoy the freedom of being single. So to take your mind off all these things here are things to do while you are single and wait for the right person to show up.

    1. When the going gets tough, you can always binge watch TV shows with your favourite snacks. Be good to yourself you deserve to be happy on depression 101 day.

    2. Hanging out with single friends may help the day go in smoother; I mean what is better than a bit of banter to cheer you up. If not can always revisit number 1.

    3. Gaming is another option to chill out, until you join the team being absolutely destroyed.

    4. There is nothing better to take your mind off the day than a workout at gym, only to contemplate life with the breaks in between.

    5. Go get bevied at a club with friends and show em your killer dance moves. Then.…

    Of course, when you are out you never know there just may be an opportunity to pick up a date along the way. However, here are some pickup lines you should try to avoid.

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    (Kyutie, 2017)

    If your going to be on the prawl you may even want to have a look at dating sites while being picky over profile pictures and swiping left and right like a certain tinder app. However, It would be reccomended to avoid that dating app unless your into a one time stop shop if you get my meaning. When looking into the long term, dating sites like would be reccommended.

    Hey you can always sing cheesey Valentine's day songs to confess your undying love to that special person, hopefully not cringing within the process.

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    (Boston, 2014)

    So best of Luck to all this valentines day with the hope you find that special someone. However be careful with suggestion 2 in case your friends bring their boyfriends. Don't want too many of they third wheels rolling about.