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    11 Reasons Why You Should Hire Me

    Hi there! If you're reading this, it's because I think I'm a great fit for the BuzzFeed team, and it's my goal to convince you of that by the end of this article. Thanks!

    1. I have experience managing over 30 Fortune 500 brands across 10 different social platforms.

    2. Although my most recent background is social media based, it’s allowed me to spot trends and keep up with spicy memes.

    3. I love collaborating as a team, and I also have leadership and management experience.

    4. My focus has always been in post-production, and I have personal, educational, and professional editing experience.

    5. My education has taught me the importance of sleep deprivation, deadlines, and late night pizza buffets.

    6. I’m an all star and technical whiz when it comes to multitasking, editing, and video codecs.

    7. People say movie magic happens on set, but for me, it’s when you put the pieces together in an editing bay.

    8. Willing to relocate.

    9. I’m a blast at work parties.

    10. BuzzFeed fits me better than my Deréon jeans.

    11. This is the most effort I’ve ever put into a cover letter.