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    The Importance Of Being Prepared For An Emergency!

    Emergency preparedness kits

    Are you someone that loves to go on long mountain walks to really connect with Mother Nature and maintain your fitness levels? Well, this is something that millions of people do just as a hobby; people love to hike due to the sense of freedom, the sense of enjoying planet earth and the sense of achievement if you make it to the top of a mountain. However, too often you hear of people becoming stranded in the wilderness without any forms of communication and SOS signals.

    Now, I say this because although hiking can be a fantastic pastime with many rewards and benefits, it does present a lot of dangers if risks are taken. For example, if you go hiking with just one other person and you became separated, or if you go hiking in the dark and navigation becomes difficult. In addition, you could be faced with extreme weather conditions that make the path hazardous or you could pick up an injury half way that prevents you from walking any further.

    Ultimately, being out with Mother Nature can be life-threatening, but so many people overlook this and don’t take any precautionary measures whatsoever. Not everyone is Bear Grylls and can survive by living off the environment for days on end, so the vast majority of us would be faced with a huge problem if disaster was to strike. If an injury occurred, if it was too dark to walk back, if weather conditions blocked off your path or if you became stranded with no communication; what would you do?

    Other than PANIC, not many of us have a viable answer to that question. This is why if you are ever going to put yourself in a situation where you could become stranded, trapped or in trouble, you should take an emergency preparedness kit with you. Emergency preparedness kits are essential survival kits, and they’ll keep you alive until help eventually reaches you. Depending on who you are going to be with, whether it be on your own, with another member or with a group, you can purchase kits that cater for more than one person.

    These kits include things such as food & water, light & communication, shelter & warmth and first aid; these are all of the essential aspects that will protect your precious life. Additionally, most emergency preparedness kits tend to include tools, hygiene & sanitation and extra pieces of equipment to help you further.

    Overall, emergency preparedness kits just highlight the importance of being prepared for an emergency. It is extremely advantageous to have an emergency kit on you if you are going somewhere with risks purely because if disaster strikes, you are in a position to survive. Taking action in case of something happening is always better than trying to find a desperate reaction once something has occurred. All in all, the chances of something catastrophic and life-threatening actually happening is slim, but if the worst case scenario does happen, at least you know you’ve got help on you!