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    Wayback Wednesday: A Tradition Meant To Be Broken

    Every Wednesday we will be posting about a #Rutgers legend or tradition that makes our university and history so great. This week we will be talking about the tradition of breaking clay pipes! #WaybackWednesday

    Every year Rutgers graduates line up on the Old Queens lawn to participate in an age-old tradition. Together they gather around the class of 1877 cannon (learn more about the cannon and its history here!) and break a clay pipe on top of it. While no one knows when this tradition officially started, classes from the past century participate in it every year.

    The tradition has its roots during a time when smoking pipes were very popular on college campuses. It was common to bond, joke around, and make memories during these tobacco smoking hangout sessions. In order to symbolize leaving their student days behind and entering adulthood, many students would break their clay pipes once they reached commencement.

    While smoking tobacco pipes has fallen out of fashion, this act has stood the test of time and is still an important part of Rutgers graduation festivities today.

    View this video on YouTube

    Students from the Class of 2010 break their clay pipes on the Class of 1877 Cannon

    Written by: Deanna van Woerkom