This Journalist Was Turned Into A Meme After Everyone Went Crazy For Her Storm Report


    Irish journalist Teresa Mannion became a national treasure on Saturday after her report on Storm Desmond – in which she's seen struggling to speak as she's hit by strong gales and rain – went viral.

    . @rtenews @MANNIOT's heroic #StormDesmond report has gone viral and it's easy to see why. #TeresaMannion

    Mannion, reporting from Salthill, Galway, for RTÉ News, is seen shouting into her microphone, warning people of the dangers of the storm that ravaged parts of northern England, Scotland, and Ireland over the weekend.

    After Mannion's report aired, viewers took to Twitter to express their concern – and admiration – for the drenched journalist.

    Is #TeresaMannion ok over there? Gosh, nearly in 'floods' of tears herself😭 #rte #StormDesmond

    Did that news report really just happen?! #teresamannion #StormDesmond

    About to go outside, hopefully I stay calm in this raging storm of life just like my new hero #teresamannion

    Someone give poor Teresa Mannion a hot whiskey, you'd need one after that #StormDesmond #sixone

    Ok just watched the Teresa Mannion video and it has honestly cured me of my hangover that woman is a national treasure

    As the weekend went on, Mannion's report began to trend not only in Ireland, but across the world.

    Can we PLEASE. Please... As a nation name the next storm after Teresa Mannion? #stormteresa #StormDesmond

    Mannion was then turned into an internet sensation as people began to photoshop and edit her stormy report.

    Is Teresa Mannion reporting the weather or making a mean and moody pop video?

    Teresa Mannion set to release a range of waterproof mascara for Christmas.

    She was photoshopped into a number of movie classics...

    Has #TeresaMannion won the internet yet? #StormDesmond #rtenews

    Latest from Teresa... #teresamannion #TheForceAwakens

    "Fear not people of Ireland.. Teresa Mannion is taking on Storm Desmond singlehanded" πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ @MANNIOT

    ...and music videos, too.

    Poor Teresa Mannion reporting on #StormDesmond on #rtenews

    Her report was then put to the sound of "It's Raining Men"...

    View this video on YouTube well as a dance remix.

    View this video on YouTube

    As Mannion continued to take over the internet, others began to do their own impressions of her report.

    View this video on YouTube

    Including this take, which has been viewed more than 700,000 times.

    Facebook: video.php

    Her report even reached the other side of the world, where a British woman based in Australia decided to do her own "Teresa Mannion Challenge".

    Starting the #TeresaMannion challenge Tweet me your impressions πŸ‘πŸ‘ #StormDesmond #RTE .@MANNIOT

    But after being crowned a hero by everyone on the internet, Mannion was sure to thank her team for the group effort behind the report.

    @rtenews #StormDesmond thanks for all the tweets. Team effort!

    <3 Mannion <3

    @StrawberryFM104 . Think Teresa Mannion should take number 1 spot in our hearts away from 'the guy who slipped in the ice ' #legend