People Are Mad At Instagram For Deleting A "Feminists On Tinder" Account

    The account, which shared screengrabs of Tinder conversations about feminism, has now been deleted twice. BuzzFeed News has contacted Instagram for a comment.

    An Instagram account that shared screengrabs of Tinder conversations about feminism has been deleted for the second time in a matter of weeks, enraging Instagram users who believe it is "selective censorship".

    Last month, Laura Nowak set up Feminists on Tinder, an account on which she shared screengrabs of conversations she had with men about feminism on Tinder.

    Nowak then shared the conversations on Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr.

    Soon after BuzzFeed News reported on the original account, it was deleted. Last week, a replacement account was also deleted, despite not violating guidelines.

    Nowak is now campaigning against Instagram because she believes her account was removed due to "selective enforcement of policies."

    A number of accounts and images that could be deemed to violate Instagram's guidelines, such as those promoting self-harm and eating disorders, as well as the thousands of images of penises tagged under #EggPlantFriday, remain visible on the site.

    "My account promotes respect towards women on online dating sites and highlights misogynistic attitudes towards women without using the names or contact info of the men in the post," she told BuzzFeed News. "It fosters a respectful community."

    She has since penned an open letter to Instagram.

    Before they were deleted, the Feminists on Tinder accounts were targeted by anti-feminists.

    Nowak said she was forced to block a number of people from her old account due to harassment and threats.

    "I believe that the people reporting the account are the guys who don't like having their misogynistic points of view on display for thousands of people," she said. "But that's the most ludicrous form of censorship I can imagine. It hurts the victim and protects the perpetrator."

    Feminists everywhere: abort mission. A brave man has uncovered our top secret plan. #feminism @NoToFeminism

    When Nowak told followers that her accounts had been deleted, thousands voiced their anger at Instagram.

    Supporters also rallied against Instagram using the hashtag #WeWillNotBeSilenced in an attempt to receive an explanation.

    BuzzFeed News has requested a comment from Instagram on two separate occasions.

    We will update this post when we receive a comment.