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    What Does Your Anxiety Dream Say About You?

    It's all about control. This is for the Editorial Fellowship.

    Your teeth are falling out.

    You're naked.

    Warner Bros. / Via Tumblr

    You’re exposed, caught not being totally honest with yourself. You might feel shameful about hiding something or worried about your accountability. This accountability might be work or relationship related, or just being accountable to yourself. What do you owe yourself?

    You're falling.

    Via Tumblr

    You’re overwhelmed. You feel unstable in your relationship or you can’t get a grip on that new project at work. The first step to finding your balance is working out what you are feeling vulnerable about.

    You’re being chased.

    Via Tumblr

    You feel threatened. Whether in your relationship or at work, with that flight response triggered, you feel you have to escape. Decide who is chasing you or what you are running from. Ignite your fight response and face that problem/frenemy. Have that conversation. Feel that feeling.

    You're lost.

    Miramax / Via Tumblr

    You’re unprepared. Feeling insecure, like from a missed opportunity, typically has to do with regretting past or freaking out over future decisions. Remember there are no right decisions, but if you pick the wrong one, you can always choose a better decision.

    It’s the End of the World.

    NBC / Via Tumblr

    You’re not standing on a solid foundation. Maybe you think everything has been shaky since the election or you feel life as you know it is coming to an end. Change is a good thing and it can be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to transform an area of your life.

    You're covered in spiders.

    Via Tumblr

    You’re arachnophobic or maybe not. Dreams are always symbolic so what’s really bugging you? Itch that itch already.

    You forgot everything you need to know.

    WWE / Via Tumblr

    You’re being tested. This has to do with performance anxiety and feeling unprepared for an event, think work deadline or life situation, like marriage. Plan your next steps.

    You can't control the wheel or brakes.

    VH1 / Via Tumblr

    You’re disconnected. It might be from what you really want or even your body. When we feel we’re going in the wrong direction, it’s helpful to practice introspection to find the missing link and get back on track.

    You're late.

    Disney / Via Tumblr

    You’re feel stuck. What do you feel that you’re missing out on because that you think you’re too old or too young to do? This has to do with your own timeline and a big change, either one you need or one you’re hoping for, is coming your way.

    You're in a plane crash.

    Paramount Pictures / Via Tumblr

    You're second guessing yourself. You’re not feeling confident about your endeavors. You might think you’ve taken on too much or not enough and feel you won’t reach your goal. Trust the path you’re on and if it still doesn’t feel right, pick another path.

    You can't find what you need.

    Logo / Via Tumblr

    You’re trying to do too many things at once. This dream means you’re not in touch with yourself or what really matters to you. In other words, you’re lost and need to pick a direction.