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    13 Stupid Things Gamblers Say To Dealers

    This list will only resonate with blackjack dealers, but as someone who has experience on both sides of the table, I have a pretty good idea of how both dealers and players should behave. If you don't happen to be a blackjack dealer, use this as a list of things not to say to your dealer. Believe me... they don't wanna hear it.

    1. Will You Let Me Win?

    2. I'll Tip You Before I leave

    3. I'll Get You Next Time

    4. You Always Show A Face Card

    5. The Casino Wrote the Book

    6. I Was Gonna...

    7. I Always Win When I Lower My Bet

    8. Why Don't You Want Me To Win?

    9. This is My Last Hand

    10. This Game is Rigged

    11. I Never Win Here

    12. When Are You Going On Break?

    13. I'm Feeling Lucky Tonight