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    Hopes & Fears In Colombia, South America

    Here are the top 10 hopes & fears of people in Colombia. Written by Rohan Ugale, Emory Goizueta BBA student who traveled through Colombia in February 2018.

    1. Hopeful about eventual peace in the country.

    Colombia has a long history of violence, between civil wars, guerillas, revolutionaries, and cartels. While I visited, many locals spoke positively about a peaceful future in the country.

    2. Hopeful about economic growth and development.

    Although the historical record does not tell a positive story, the Colombian people are resilient and take great pride in efforts to turn around their economy.

    3. Hopeful about bringing tourism back.

    The Colombian people are very excited about the return of tourism. Medellín, in particular, was devastated by the presence of Pablo Escobar and his cartel. The city was once the most dangerous in the world. Now, however, tourism is coming back - I definitely enjoyed my visit and had great interactions with the local people.

    4. Hopeful about the end of the cartels.

    The peak of the cartels was in the late 1990s, but some still exist today. The country is working hard to rid itself of the drug trafficking that it is known for in pop culture.

    5. Hopeful about the success of the young generation.

    Everywhere I went in Colombia, the young students were always reading books - whether on a train, bus, or in the parks. They take their studies very seriously and want to be successful in leading the country in the future.

    6. Fearful about continuing violence.

    While violence has slowed significantly, an enduring peace agreement has yet to be established.

    7. Fearful about the upcoming election.

    The 2018 presidential election in Colombia will be between far left and far right candidates - polarizing the country when they need unity.

    8. Fearful about the end of US aid.

    Although the US Senate circumvented Trump's plan to cancel over $140mn in foreign aid, the Colombian people are worried about possible changes to the US' aid scheme in the future.

    9. Fearful about the border with Venezuela.

    As the situation in Venezuela escalates, Colombia is worried about any violence or disruptions pouring over their borders.

    10. Fearful about climate change.

    Colombia is a beautiful country - with rich forests, mountains, and oceans. All of these natural gifts help contribute to the economy - i.e. mountains are the perfect elevation and climate to grow coffee. As climate change worsens, the effects could be devastating for the landscapes and economy.