George Christensen Clears Up That No, He Doesn't Want To Murder Drug Dealers

    "Would I want an elected official in Australia to run around shooting people? Of course not." Good to know.

    At around 7pm on Thursday night, conservative government MP George Christensen updated his Facebook page.

    Christensen had linked out to this ABC story about Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte boasting that he had personally killed drug dealers when he was the mayor of the city Davao.

    "I go around in Davao with a motorcycle, with a big bike around and I would just patrol the streets and looking [sic] for trouble also," Duterte said. "I was really looking for an encounter to be able to kill."

    It's all part of Duterte's bloody war on drugs, which has seen almost 6,000 people killed since the crackdown on drugs began in July.

    "A leader who personally sees off drug dealers? And the problem is?" Christensen asked, probably rhetorically.

    And it looked an awful lot like Christensen thought this was a bloody grouse idea.

    People were... a little shocked.

    "So let me get this right, George: you're an advocate of elected officials going round murdering people. Righto... ," one person commented.

    "If you think that drug use is worse than murder, your moral compass is badly in need of realignment," said another.

    But a few people praised the MP for starting a conversation about illicit drugs.

    "No problem at all George from my point of view. We need to get tougher on crime in Australia!," said one commenter.

    A few hours later, amid a torrent of calls for him to resign because he had, y'know, advocated murder, Christensen felt the need to clarify.

    So there ya go. George Christensen doesn't support the extrajudicial murder of drug dealers in Australia. Good to know.