7 Possible "Game Of Thrones" Prequels, And Why They Might Happen

    With Game of Thrones coming to an end in 2018, it's time to look at what might fill that void.

    This week HBO announced that it was developing four different scripts for Game of Thrones spinoffs that would "explore different time periods of George R.R. Martin’s vast and rich universe". Here we take a look at some of the most likely options.

    1. Robert's Rebellion

    2. Aegon's Conquest

    3. The Dance of the Dragons

    4. Dunk and Egg

    5. The Andal invasion

    6. The rise and fall of Valyria

    7. The Blackfyre Rebellions

    Seeing as I'm almost always wrong about this stuff, let me know your thoughts about possible spin-offs in the comments below!