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Top 10 Reasons Why Being A Lifeguard Is Britain's Best Summer Job

The RNLI have over 200 lifeguarded beaches across the UK. Last year they helped 19,353 people. They're now looking for lifeguards to keep our beaches safe in 2015 - here's why you should apply for Britain's Best Summer Job.

1. Your office is a beach

2. You'll be following in famous footsteps

3. Red shorts are the new black

4. You'll make the best of friends

5. The Tan

6. You'll meet new people everyday

7. It's a great way to stay fit

8. Catch some surf after work

9. Gain experience that will help you travel the world

Via Giphy

Lot's of the RNLI's lifeguards head Down Under during off-season and lifeguard on the beaches of the Gold Coast.

10. You could save someone's life

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This is video footage from Summer 2014, when Crooklet's lifeguard Joby rescued a young boy who was heard screaming for help.

Sound good?

Being a lifeguard

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