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If You’re Still Unsure What To Study At Uni, These Exciting Courses Might Inspire Your Next Move

Take the pressure off your final exams by securing your early place in these epic courses!

The end of high school is a lot. It's simultaneously one of the most exciting times of your life and also potentially one of the most stressful — thanks to final exams, ATARs and the pressure of getting into that perfect uni course.

And while you keep hearing "don't worry, your ATAR is only one measure and absolutely will not define the rest of your life", it can sometimes feel as if it might — especially since most degrees still seem to only judge you based on that very number.

If you find yourself asking: "What about my life experiences, hobbies and passion projects? Shouldn't they count for something when it comes to getting into uni?" Well, you'll love RMIT University's answer.

RMIT believe so strongly that an ATAR shouldn't be the sole measure of your ability to thrive at uni, that they've set up an Early Offer program.

And, because RMIT really, truly values actual hands-on experience, their courses are co-designed with industry leaders to equip you with practical skills even as you study.

Here are just some of the programs you could be studying next year, with your conditional early offer in September:

1. Bachelor of Environment and Society

2. Bachelor of Arts (Music Industry)

3. Bachelor of Data Science

4. Bachelor of Space Science

5. Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

6. Bachelor of Business

7. And finally, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

If you think this sounds too good to be true, don't just take our word for it. RMIT is putting on a virtual festival of ideas, conversations and inspiration called RMIT Next Fest, where you can explore the full range of Early Offer courses and learn everything you need to know about the Early Offer program.