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    One Direction Marches Back Into Madness

    We're BAAAACCCCKKK! Last year, you all decided that Stockholm Syndrome was the BEST ONE DIRECTION SONG OF ALL TIME! Now that you're a year older and wiser ... ARE YOU SURE? This fandom is known for DRAMA but the only hateration allowed in this dancery will be about music. SO keep your solo allegiances, ships, and any hating on individuals to yourself. In all seriousness, being in this fandom can be tough, especially on the hiatus, so let’s brighten things up and remind ourselves what we love about 1D! I don't know about you all, but I haven't heard some of these songs in forever so I'd suggest giving them a listen before you vote! Oh yeah and PLEASE VOTE!!

    Let's Crown a Champ!

    I hope that wasn't too bad! Voting for Round 1 will close March 17th at Midnight EST. Now the way our petty is set up we couldn't leave without a side bracket