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Definitive Proof That March Is The Best Month Of The Year

For starters: BASKETBALL. This year, create the best basketball-viewing experience by stocking up on all your Reese's and Coke Zero products at Target.

1. March is the official death of winter.

2. But it's also the best month for skiing.

3. March 1 is National Peanut Butter Lover's Day.

4. If peanut butter isn't really your thing, March 23 is National Puppy Day.

5. Oh. Did we forget about National Cereal Day? Yeah, March has that too.

6. If you're not a fan of peanut butter or cereal or puppies (seriously, how?) March 10 is International Day of Awesomeness.

7. In March, you still have to wear a light jacket, but it's not SO cold that you're miserable.

8. As far as "real" holidays are concerned, St. Patrick's Day is clearly the most fun.

9. Let's also not forget that March is Women's History Month.

10. Daylight Savings Time is in March, which means more sunlight for your ride home.


11. Oh yeah! Pretty sure THE GREATEST BASKETBALL EVENT OF ALL TIME is in March.

Don't ruin the best (basketball) month of the year with a terrible viewing party.