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The 21-Day Truth-Or-Dare Challenge

It's time to start living unapologetically! Let Reese's help.

Sometimes being a grown-up can be hard. We think we have to be a certain way, and all of the sudden life gets too serious. This is a challenge that will hopefully leave you inspired to live a happier, less stressed, and more enjoyable life. It'll help you become the truest version of yourself, all while relearning how to have fun. After you look back on these 21 days, we think you're going to feel like a million bucks.

The Rules:

• Each day, you have to pick either a truth or a dare.
• You must answer all questions truthfully.
• You absolutely cannot back out of a dare.

We highly recommend keeping a journal of all your completed tasks. Feel free to create some of your own truth-or-dares, as these are merely just guidelines.

Let us know how you're doing! Tweet along and let us know your progress using the hashtag #21DayTruthOrDareChallenge.

All images via Kirby Darland / Buzzfeed