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    Ways To Go Vegan And Vegetarian!

    The year is 2012 and I became a vegetarian. The reason I went vegetarian is simple. I saw the movie "Food Inc." and that changed my views on the way animals were slaughtered. I was the type who wanted to be deaf, blind, and dumb to how our meat products go from point A to point B. Not the best strategy for someone who was in culinary school at the time. But it ignited the change in me to stop eating meat cold turkey. No pun intended! But seven years later and currently following a vegan diet here are my top ten tips to help easy your way to becoming a vegetarian/ vegan.

    1. Ease your way into the new lifestyle.

    Everyone who has ever gone vegetarian or vegan has a reason for doing so. Some decide for ethical reasons, whereas others decided for health reasons. But one thing to keep in mind is to ease your way into becoming a vegetarian or a vegan. What I mean is instead of eating meat five or six times a week cut back to maybe three or four times a week. Gradually decrease the number of meat products consumed and during this time add different plate-based products.

    2. Don't be afraid to try different plant-based products.

    Depending on where you shop for groceries will depend on what type of products will be available. For instance, where I live there happens to be Wegmans. Now Wegmans has a section entirely dedicated to healthy eating and products. I tend to go between three products depending on if I am vegetarian or vegan. As a vegetarian, my two favourite brands are MorningStar and Quorn. For instance, I really like MorningStar's "Grillers Original" because I like that taste of the veggie burger. Whereas for Quorn I really like their "chicken" products, meatballs, and sausage items. My go-to vegan brand is Gardein, and pretty much all of the products are my favourite.

    3. Buy some cookbooks!

    One of the things I did after going vegetarian and vegan was to buy cookbooks for these diets. You wouldn't start a juice cleanse or a diet for your heart health without cookbooks, would you? Same premise for going vegetarian and vegan. Getting an idea on how to start a meal is crucial in any format, but once you get the hang of the recipe, then that's when you can play with your food and try different combinations.

    4. Join different forums!

    In an age where technology is at the tips of our fingers, so are the vast forums for vegetarians and vegans. Between Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Vlogs, and YouTube the access to fellow vegetarians and vegans are just one click away. These areas can be one of the most excellent sources of support, ideas, and friendships. Having a place to turn to when those around you are not the best help in your new adventure is crucial and a solid foundation for a better you.

    5. It's not for everyone!

    Going vegetarian or vegan may not be for everyone, and there is no shame in that. Just have an understanding for those who have because their health may need these diets.