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13 Insane Feats That Will Give You Vertigo

Are you ready to sweat, cry and possibly faint? Good. Because these insane stunts will leave you shaking. To recover, get a grip with Reebok's new ATV19 shoe. It'll keep you grounded.

1. Uh, no. Stop it.

2. They couldn't have just camped on the ground? No??

3. Just a casual waterfall dive. NBD.

4. Just doing a little climbing on top of the world.

5. Trapeze just isn't cool enough already, let's do it in the sky...

6. Stomach dropping.

7. Just, why?!

8. Nooo!! Stop!!!

9. Officially about to faint.

10. Wait, is that a blindfold?!

11. This seems really safe.

12. Just a normal Sunday picnic 800ft in the air.

13. Ugh, make this stop.