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11 Little Hoorays That Make Life Better

Nothing's better than major success. But Red Stripe knows that in life, it's really all the little hoorays that count. Take a look at some of life's little hoorays that make it all better.

1. Finding an old toy from your childhood....

2. Finally unsubscribing from that annoying email you’ve been getting for months...

3. Finding something you lost years ago in the couch cushions...

4. Furiously scratching a mosquito bite even though you know you shouldn’t...

5. Thinking it’s Thursday and finding out it's Friday...

6. Finally making it to inbox zero...

7. Rescuing and then eating the part of the cookie that fell in the milk...

8. When you manage to squeeze enough toothpaste out for one last brush...

9. The final seconds of untangling a really big knot..

10. When the thing you were going to buy is already on sale...

11. Putting some beer in the freezer and remembering before they explode...

RED STRIPE Lager. ©2012 DIAGEO - Guinness USA, Norwalk, CT. Hooray Responsible Drinking!