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12 Things You Should Throw On The Grill This Summer

Damn, if this is how they look, imagine how they’ll taste. Continue expanding your flavor horizons with REDD'S Apple Ale.

1. Peaches 🍑 🍑 🍑

2. A pinneaple

3. A V O C A D O S


5. Peppppeeeerrsssss (and make burgers with 'em)

6. Halloumi cheese 👌

7. More pepperrrssss (now stuffed with chorizo queso fundido)

8. Watermelon

9. Bacon-wrapped onions (stuffed with spicy ground beef)

10. Cabbage

11. Pita

12. B-a-n-a-n-a-s

It’s time to upgrade your grilling game. Upgrade your summer with a crisp and refreshing REDD'S Apple Ale.