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What Questions Do You Have About Buying A House?

How important is a home inspection? Let us know your home-buying questions, and® will get you the answers!

If only buying a home was as easy as selecting a carton of milk at the grocery store.

It's a huge decision, but it doesn't have to riddle you with anxiety like picking from 16 flavors of froyo.

Home-buying can be stressful. Thankfully,® has plenty of tools and resources to help you out.

And because it's so stressful,® wants to help you get your questions answered. Like, maybe you want to know how to plan for providing a down payment....

Would you like to ask them exactly how important getting a home inspection is?

Are you curious to know how many homes you should see before making your decision?

Do you have questions about what the heck a decent price for a home is?

Whatever your question is, drop it in the comments below! We'll select the best ones for a real estate expert to answer in a BuzzFeed post sponsored by®. Until then, find the tools and resources you need for your home search at®. The home of home search.

(Remember: Anything you send is covered by the regular BuzzFeed User Terms.)